Where should compressor pedal go in chain?
The Official Textbook of Pedal Placement™ states that, apart from vintage fuzz and wah, compression should always be first in the chain.
What are VCA compressors good for?
VCA compressors are known for having fast response and are therefore a good choice on peaky, rhythmic or transient-heavy material. Many VCA compressor designs include precise control of a wide range of compression parameters including threshold, ratio, attack and release time, makeup gain and sometimes knee.
How does VCA compression work?
VCA application VCA compressor utilize a voltage controlled amplifier in their compressor circuit. This allows for full control of attack and release parameters and smooth response to the compression itself. This makes it applicable to almost anything, from mastering tasks to taming down exaggerated transients.
What is a VCA style compressor?
What is a VCA compressor? A VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) compressor is an analog compressor that utilizes a VCA control to apply compression. The input signal is split through an integrated circuit into a detector path (to control the VCA compression) and an output path.
Should a compressor go in the effects loop?
A good rule of thumb is to place any gain-type effects before modulation effects: i.e., compressors and overdrives before delays or flangers. Another one that’s practically set in concrete is to put the compressor before any overdrive, distortion, or fuzz pedal.
Should a compressor go before or after overdrive?
By putting the compressor after the overdrive, any top-end transients or low-end boominess gets compressed, giving an even response. With this signal chain, make sure that the overdrive pedal’s output is set to unity gain to keep the compressor from over-squashing.
What is the difference between Opto and FET compressor?
FET compressors add both punch and colour to a sound and can be extremely useful on percussive sounds or sounds that need a snappy transients. The most famous FET compressor is the Urei 1176. Opto (optical) – Uses a photocell as a detector and a light bulb to determine the gain reduction.
Is API 2500 a VCA compressor?
There are also two types of compression onboard the API 2500+ — Old and New. The Old style uses the feedback type of compression in which the detector is placed after the VCA (as found on the classic API 525), while the New style uses a feed-forward type for a faster response typical of many popular modern compressors.
Should you compress before EQ?
Each position, EQ pre (before) or EQ post (after) compression produces a distinctly different sound, a different tonal quality, and coloration. As a rule, using EQ in front of your compressor produces a warmer, rounder tone, while using EQ after your compressor produces a cleaner, clearer sound.
Where do you put the boost pedal in the chain?
A second very popular way to use a boost pedal, is to put it in front of an overdrive pedal in your signal chain. In this position in your signal chain, engaging your boost pedal will not increase your volume at all. Instead, it will increase the gain and compression in your overdrive pedal.
What makes our VCA compressors so good?
By studying and recreating the circuits of 2 of the most sought-after VCA compressors, the developers promise to deliver the best of glue and thrust to your mixes. The digital signal processing engine focuses on creating a natural analog feel without disregard for clarity and quality.
Where should a compressor pedal be placed in a signal chain?
Whether you like it or not, the location of the compressor pedal in your signal chain should be considered. Any gain-type effects, such as compressors and overdrives, should be placed before delays or flangers as a general rule. Another well-established rule is to use the compressor before any overdrive, distortion, or fuzz pedal.
What is the glue VCA compressor?
The Glue is an outstanding alternative to the classic SSL-4000 sound due to its increased versatility. You will find yourself using this compressor in numerous busses and instruments, but it also does what the name proposes, effortlessly gluing your entire mix together. This plugin is an attractive addition to your collection of VCA compressors. 2.
What is a compressor pedal and how does it work?
Compressor pedals are sometimes overlooked due to their subtle nature. Other pedals may indeed produce more exciting and noticeable results, but a compressor pedal is an integral piece of your overall sonic foundation. When used properly, compression allows all the other effects to work to their maximum attention.