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Where is the best place to plant a calla lily?

Where is the best place to plant a calla lily?

Shade and Sun: In warm climates, calla lilies grow well in full sun or partial shade. In cooler areas they grow best in full sun. Zone: Calla lilies are winter hardy in zones 8-10. In colder areas they can either be grown as annuals or can be dug up in the fall and stored indoors for replanting the next spring.

Do calla lilies grow better in pots or in the ground?

When blooming is finished, stop fertilizing. Calla lilies grow best in full sun to part shade. In containers, it is recommended that calla lilies be placed in a location where they can receive about six hours of sunlight each day.

Can you plant calla lilies outside in the ground?

Plant after danger of frost has passed in full sun or partial shade (partial shade is required in the South and warm inland areas of the West unless the soil is constantly wet) and rich moist soil. Rhizomes should be planted horizontally, with the growing points facing up.

Do calla lilies come back year after year?

Many people treat their gift calla lilies as annuals. They receive a potted flower, or buy them for spring decorating, and then toss it when the blooms are done. In truth, though, calla lilies are perennials and you can actually save your potted plant and watch it bloom again next year.

Will calla lilies spread?

Do calla lilies spread? Being a bulb, calla lilies spread by multiplying and creating other bulbs. These calla lily bulbs can be dug up and replanted in different locations. While these plants spread, they do so in a manner which is quite easy to control.

Can I put a potted calla lily outside?

Calla Lilies grow very well in pots, whether grown as an indoor plant, or outdoors in summer. The plants do not seem to mind the restriction within the pots, and will often grow very well and multiply within the potted space.

How do you keep calla lilies blooming?


  1. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy.
  2. Provide bright, indirect light.
  3. Apply liquid fertilizer monthly while in flower.
  4. Keep away from heating and A/C vents.
  5. Reduce watering when the plant enters dormancy (November)
  6. Cut the leaves off at soil level once they’ve died.

Will calla lilies multiply?

How long will a potted calla lily last?

Potted Calla Lilies can last for approximately four months in an active state of growth. This includes a period of foliage growth in the first six weeks, followed by six to eight weeks of blooming. After blooming the foliage will begin to yellow and fade, until the plant becomes dormant.

How much space do calla lilies need?

Calla lilies should be planted rather deep, about 4 inches (10 cm.) for greater results, and spaced approximately a foot (0.5 m.) apart. Once planted, the area should be watered well.

How long does a calla lily plant last?