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Where is Surah Alaq in Quran?

Where is Surah Alaq in Quran?

96th chapter
Al-ʻAlaq or Congealed Blood (Arabic: العلق, al-ʻalaq, also known as “The Clot” or “The Clinging Thing”), is the 96th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur’an. It is composed of 19 āyāt or verses. It is sometimes also known as Sūrat Iqrā (سورة إقرا, “Read”).

What is special about Surah Al-Alaq?

Surah ‘Alaq, aka Iqra’, is the 96th surah of the Quran that God revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Mecca in the cave of Hira’. This surah speaks about God as the creator of man, the one who manages his affairs, and teaches him things he did not know.

What surah is Surah Alaq?

Surah Al-Alaq (Arabic text: العلق) is the 96th chapter of the Qur’an. The surah titled in English means “The Clot” and it consists of 19 verses…

How many verses of Surah Al-Alaq were first revealed?

five verses
Theme and Subject Matter. As has been explained above, the earliest Revelation to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) consisted of the first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq, in which it had been Said: “Read (O Prophet), in the name of your Lord, Who created: created man from a clot of congealed blood.

What is the first word of Quran?

The Quran stresses the importance of reading, studying, reflecting and investigating, and this is a commandment prescribed to all Muslims. The first word revealed to our Prophet Muhammad from Allah was “Iqra” which means to Read! To seek knowledge! Educate yourselves!

What is the first surah in the Quran?

Surah al-Fatiḥah
Surah al-Fatiḥah (Arabic: سُورَةُ الْفَاتِحَة ) is the first chapter (surah) of The Holy Quran. Its seven verses (ayat) are a prayer for the guidance, lordship and mercy of Allah SWT(God). This chapter has an essential role in Islamic prayer (salāt).

What does Surah Alaq teach us?

Allah The One Who Taught By Pen This this verse of Surah Alaq, Allah SWT specifies His Blessings upon the humanity to learn, acquire and preserve knowledge with the help of a pen. A man does not only have the capacity to read and understand things but can also write them for future use.

When was Surah Alaq revealed?

Many-views were attributed to the fact that the first five verses of Surah al-alaq chapter 96 is the earliest revelation, it was revealed on the 15th of month of Ramadan in cave of Hirah.

What is the main theme of Surah Alaq?

a) The verses of Surah-e-Al-Alaq were the first revelations to the Holy Prophet which were revealed at the Cave Hira. These verses show the major theme of the relation of Allah with the created world.

What was the first word of Allah?

The first word revealed to our Prophet Muhammad from Allah was “Iqra” which means to Read! To seek knowledge!

What is Bismillah called?

Bismillah (Arabic: بسم الله) is a phrase in Arabic meaning “in the name of Allah”. It is also the first word in the Qur’an, and refers to the Qur’an’s opening phrase, the Basmala.

When was surah Alaq revealed?