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Where is nepheline syenite found?

Where is nepheline syenite found?

Nepheline Syenite is an anhydrous sodium potassium alumino silicate. Although feldspar-like in its chemistry, mineralogically it is an igneous rock combination of nepheline, microcline, albite and minor minerals like mica, hornblende and magnetite. It is found in Canada, India, Norway and USSR.

What is nepheline syenite used for?

Nepheline syenite from Canada is used to replace feldspar in the manufacture of ceramic and glass products. The feldspar in nepheline syenite may be cryptoperthite or, rarely, a mixture of albite and microcline. Nepheline is sometimes wholly or partly replaced by sodalite or cancrinite.

Is nepheline a feldspar?

Nepheline syenite is a holocrystalline plutonic rock that consists largely of nepheline and alkali feldspar….Nepheline syenite.

Primary alkali feldspar, nepheline, clinopyroxene, amphibole, biotite
Secondary magnetite, ilmenite, apatite, titanite

Where can I get a nepheline?

Nepheline only forms in silica-poor rocks. It is almost never associated with quartz. It may be found in some contact metamorphosed rocks otherwise it occurs in alkaline complexes in igneous rocks. Nepheline is mostly found in the rock Nepheline Syenite in nature.

How much does nepheline cost?

Nepheline Syenite (Minex) ~ 50 lbs

1 – 2 $23.40 as price per unit
3 – 10 $22.23 as price per unit
11 – 39 $21.06 as price per unit
40 – 999 $19.89 as price per unit

What does nepheline mean?

Definition of nepheline : a hexagonal mineral that is a usually glassy crystalline silicate of sodium, potassium, and aluminum common in igneous rocks.

How can you tell the difference between quartz and nepheline?

It is often translucent with a greasy luster. The low index of refraction and the feeble double refraction in nepheline are nearly the same as in quartz; but since the sign of the double refraction is negative in nepheline, while it is positive in quartz, the two minerals are readily distinguished under the microscope.

How can you tell quartz from nepheline?

Resembles feldspars but nepheline is uniaxial, lacks good cleavage and twinning, and has a low birefringence. Nepheline is softer than quartz and differs in optic sign. Nepheline occurs in alkali-rich, silicon poor igneous rocks (nepeline syenite, foidite and phonolite).

How much does syenite cost?

Nepheline Syenite (Minex) ~ 50 lbs

1 – 2 $18.60 as price per unit
3 – 10 $16.05 as price per unit
11 – 39 $15.25 as price per unit
40 – 79 $14.50 as price per unit
80 – 999 $13.75 as price per unit

What is nepheline syenite in ceramics?

Nepheline Syenite A-270 Like feldspar, Nepheline Syenite is used as a flux in porcelains, vitreous and semi-vitreous clay bodies, and in glazes. Nepheline syenite contributes high alumina without associated free silica in its raw form. This makes it an excellent tile filler and melter, especially for fast firing.

How do you identify a nepheline?

Distinguishing Features Resembles feldspars but nepheline is uniaxial, lacks good cleavage and twinning, and has a low birefringence. Nepheline is softer than quartz and differs in optic sign.

Is nepheline syenite toxic?

Ingestion: No adverse effects expected for normal, incidental ingestion. Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged overexposure to any nuisance dust may cause lung injury. Symptoms include cough, shortness ofbreath, and reduced pulmonary function.