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Where is Kaifiyat Express 12226 now?

Where is Kaifiyat Express 12226 now?

The departure time for 12226 Kaifiyat Exp from Old Delhi is 20:25. The arrival time to Azamgarh is 10:55….12226 Kaifiyat Exp Running Status.

Station Kanpur Central 435 km
Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled 01:55 01:55
Departure Status Actual/Scheduled 02:00 02:00
Delay On Time
PF/Halt – 5min

How is Kaifiyat Express?

Azamgarh is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi is located in the state of Delhi. The two cities are located at a distance of 805kms. The train 12225 is named as KAIFIYAT EXP….Kaifiyat Express -12225 ( Azamgarh to Delhi )

Station name (code) Khorason Road (KRND)
Arrives 17:03
Departs 17:05
Stop time 2 min
Distance travelled 35 km

When was Kaifiyat Express started?

28 September 2003
The 12225 / 12226 Kaifiyaat Express is a daily Superfast Express train of the Indian Railways, running between Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, and Old Delhi, the capital city of India….Kaifiyat Express.

Kaifiyat Express trainboard
Service type Superfast
Locale Delhi & Uttar Pradesh
First service 28 September 2003

Where is Kaifiyat train now?

12225 train covers 17 stations. The departure time for 12225 Kaifiyat Exp from Azamgarh is 16:25. The arrival time to Old Delhi is 07:05….12225 Kaifiyat Exp Running Status.

Station Ghaziabad 783 km
Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled 06:23 06:23
Departure Status Actual/Scheduled 06:25 06:25
Delay On Time
PF/Halt – 2min