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Where is Casey Lund going?

Where is Casey Lund going?

Lund now lives in Honolulu County, Hawaii, in accordance together with his Linkedin profile.

What is Mileka Lincoln doing now?

Earlier this year, Lincoln stepped into a new role at HPA: Director of Marketing and Communication. She brings heavy-hitting journalistic chops to the post, and this year, she lends her stage presence and aloha to Alu Mai: a virtual event airing on Saturday, November 21 through HPA’s YouTube channel.

Where is Annalisa Burgos now?

International journalist Annalisa Burgos is Hawaii News Now’s new weekend anchor. She will also report on issues across the islands and interview newsmakers during the week.

Who is leaving Hawaii News Now?

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Jim Mendoza retires Monday after almost 30 years in television news and even longer in the media. A writer would tell you the hardest part of telling a story is the end.

Is Annalisa Burgos leaving KITV?

Annalisa Burgos bids farewell to Good Morning Hawaii Weekends | Video |

Where did Lisa Kubota go?

Kubota is now heading to a communications role with a local educational institution. It’s a welcomed change of pace for her as she’ll now be able to spend more time with her loving and supportive family.

Where is Kelly Simek?

Honolulu, Hawaii
Kelly Simek is in Honolulu, Hawaii. Jeff is Hawaii’s clean energy expert and has worked in the field for decades.

Is Lisa Kubota leaving the news?

Friends, family members and coworkers say goodbye to Lisa Kubota, who is leaving the television news industry after an illustrious career here in Hawaii.

How tall is Justin Cruz?

Osceola Cbc International 6-4 190
R/R 18 and 7 mos

Is Kelly Simek replacing tannya Joaquin?

Simek will join the Living 808 team of John Veneri and Mikey Moniz, replacing Tannya Joaquin, who has decided to spend more time with family. Joaquin will still be a contributor to the show’s content. A native of Carlsbad, California, Simek is a communications/meteorology graduate of the University of Hawaii.

Where is Kelly Simek now?

Where is Justin Cruz from Khon?

Justin Cruz is well-versed in island life and weather. He grew up in Guam where storms, including super-cyclones, hit regularly. It’s also where he got his love for news. “We had nothing else to watch growing up.