Where does reclaimed stone come from?
Old world cities, where cobblestones and natural stone curbing were used for roads and buildings, become today’s sources for reclaimed stone. US East Coast and Midwest industrial cities, where the bricks and natural stone were used to build factories, mills and municipal buildings, provide additional sources for reclaimed stone.
Is reclaimed stone eco-friendly?
Reclaimed stone is the eco-friendly, sustainable option for many reasons: It takes less carbon to reclaim stone than it does to run the machinery to quarry new stone since it involves less heavy extraction machinery and fabrication equipment. Locally-sourced reclaimed stone reduces carbon emissions from shipping.
What is reclaimed material?
Authentic materials quarried in France, Italy and Spain. These materials are “reclaimed”- meaning brought back to its natural or original state. Largest inventories of rare, antique, reclaimed materials. Your source for unique, one-of-a-kind products or reproductions from all over the world,
What is the best reclaimed stone for paving?
Unsurprisingly, granite is the most common reclaimed paving stone type. This is because it’s so hard. But other hard regional stones were also used for paving, such as brick paving blocks in the Midwest, and porphyry and sandstone cobbles from Europe. Over the past ten years, reclaimed stone has seen a surge in popularity.
Why are reclaimed paving stones so cheap?
Due to the sheer volume of reclaimed paving stones available from Europe and China, the price is lower than in the US, although recent import tariffs are closing this gap. Curbing generally needs to be replaced if a roadway is widened or reconstructed.
Can cobblestones be reused?
Cobblestones can be reused in different orientations: tops up (as their original) or wide side up (for coping)—exposing the preferred surface (smooth from decades of wear or rough from the buried-side surface). Reclaimed stone is perfect in landscape design to help create a timeless feel—it looks like it’s been there forever, perfectly placed.