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Where can I pick berries in Alaska?

Where can I pick berries in Alaska?

Wild berry picking spots recommended by the Cooperative Extension Service include Hatcher Pass, Lazy Mountain, Eagle River Valley, Kincaid Park, Prospect Heights in Chugach State Park, Flattop Mountain, Rendezvous Peak, Rabbit Creek, Old Johnson Trail, Indian Valley Trail, Crow Pass road in Girdwood, Crow Pass Trail.

When can you pick berries in Alaska?

The Alaska berry picking season is anywhere from late August to late September. Very sweet in taste they are far superior to their cultivated cousins. Wild blueberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, niacin, manganese, carbohydrates, and dietary fibre.

What kind of wild berries grow in Alaska?


  • Alaska Blueberries.
  • Cloudberries.
  • Highbush Cranberries.
  • Lowbush Cranberries (aka Lingonberries)
  • Crowberries (aka Blackberries)
  • Currrants.
  • Gooseberries.

Where can I pick wild blueberries in Anchorage?

In Anchorage areas like Arctic Valley Ski Lodge, Flat Top Mountain, and more provide hiking and berry picking. North of Anchorage in the MatSu Valley you can find blueberries in Hatcher Pass along with an outstanding drive! And if you make the trek up to Denali, berries are plentiful throughout the national park.

Are there any poisonous berries in Alaska?

Which Berries Are Poisonous. Avoid all white berries in Alaska—they’re all poisonous. And the most infamous poisonous berry in Alaska is the baneberry, which has white or red berries—look for a black spot on the red berry.

Are there huckleberries in Alaska?

Big huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum) is found in coniferous forests at mid-to-high elevations from California to Alaska, and east to the Rockies.

Where can I pick berries in Fairbanks Alaska?

“Look for blueberries in power-line cuts, roadsides, and higher elevations along the Steese and Elliott highways as well as Murphy Dome. There are also good berry picking sites along Ballaine and Nordale Road although I have not been out there to see what’s available this year.”

What edibles grow in Alaska?

9 edible Alaskan plants you didn’t know about

  • White clover. We bet you had no idea white clover blossoms (yes clover as in the three-leafed stuff growing everywhere) are quite delicious and high in protein.
  • Dandelion.
  • Fireweed.
  • Spruce/pine.
  • Birch syrup/bark.
  • Cattails.
  • Ferns.
  • Forget-me-not.

Do elderberries grow in Alaska?

Distribution: Red Elderberry is native to Europe, temperate Asia, and North America. It is found throughout most of the United States and Canada, excluding only the far north of Canada and Alaska, and the central and southern United States.

Where are wild blueberries in Alaska?

Found in subalpine and boreal woodlands and forests and in tundra and alpine shrublands. Blueberry Vaccinium alaskaense, V. ovalifolium, and V. uliginosum Found in tundra, open woods, above timberline and in low-lying bogs.

Are there truffles in Alaska?

It occurs in the Pacific NW from Oregon, north through Alaska. If any false truffles are actively pursued, it’s the genus Rhizopogon.

How to pick berries in Alaska?

Alaska berry picking brings out Alaskans in droves to their favorite spots. In Alaska there are plenty of berries to go around and you can go picking all you want. Remember, bears also love berries and they have the right-of-way. Sing, make noise or wear bear bells so they hear you coming! Very Important !

What is berry picking?

Berry picking is an easy and free variation on regular hiking—plus, it provides built-in snack breaks. Here’s what you need to know: Is It Legal? Are There Limits?

Where do blueberries grow in Alaska?

Alaska blueberries are low-growing shrubs that grow in tundra, open woods, old burn areas, above timberline and in low-lying bogs. Their sweet and tart flavor makes for great jams, sauces, crumbles and other baked goods. Raspberries grow on woody, prickly shrubs. Look for them in previously-disturbed areas, thickets and forest edges.

What do black berries taste like in Alaska?

The berries have a very sour taste but can be added to sweet jams and jellies. These dark blue-to-black berries grow alongside needlelike leaves on trailing stems in an evergreen carpet. Add crowberries to muffins or cakes, or use as a filler in jams and jellies. Caution! Baneberries (Actaea rubra) are the only toxic berry in Alaska.