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Where can I fossick for gold in Gympie?

Where can I fossick for gold in Gympie?

Deep Creek Fossicking
Today visitors to the region can still visit and try their luck in the gold-bearing gully in the town at the Deep Creek Fossicking Area. Located at the southern entrance to Gympie between the Bruce Highway and Brisbane Road. From Brisbane Road turn into River Road and Graham Street and turn right into Victoria Street.

Can you pan for gold in Gympie?

Visitors can fossick for gold at sites near Warwick and Gympie, for topaz near Stanthorpe and for petrified wood near Chinchilla. Fossickers require a fossicking licence in all areas.

Where was the gold found in Gympie?

James Nash discovered gold in Gympie in Nash’s Gully in 1867. After which, it started a wild rush to the Gympie goldfields. The goldfields eventually yielded over £14 million worth.

Does Gympie still have gold?

In 1867 a discovery of alluvial gold in a gully near the Mary River began the first major gold rush in Queensland, rescued the colony’s economy and founded the mining town of Gympie. Today tourists and holiday-makers can try their luck in a gold-bearing gully in the town.

How much is a fossicking Licence in Qld?

Fossicking licence fees

Period Individual Family
1 month $8.80 excl. GST $12.60 excl. GST
6 months $33.40 excl. GST $42.85 excl. GST
1 year $56.25 excl. GST $75.15 excl. GST

Is there gold in Kilkivan?

There are also deposits of copper and gold closer to Kilkivan.

What happens if I find gold on my property Qld?

Your finds If you discover gold or other minerals or gemstones on land not covered by a mining tenement, and the ground is Crown land (under the Mining Act 1978), then you are free to keep what you have found (as long as you hold a Miner’s Right).

Do you need a fossicking licence in Qld?

Fossicking is a regulated activity in Queensland and requires a fossicking licence. This licence allows you to search for and collect fossicking materials for recreational, tourist and educational purposes only. Licences are not required at tourist mines and similar sites that charge a fee for entry.

How much gold was found at Gympie?

Gympie goldfield went on to produce over 80,000 ounces of gold in the first 12 months of its discovery. Most of the alluvial deposits were exhausted within a year. The first official reef opened on 8th November, which went on to produce over 5000 ounces of gold during its operation.

What is Gympie famous for?

Famous gold mining town known as ‘The Town That Saved Queensland’. Gympie is an unusual town. Located on the Mary River it is primarily a service centre for the surrounding agricultural district which is known for its tropical fruit (pineapples, macadamia nuts), vegetables, dairy industry, beef cattle and piggeries.

What is the difference between fossicking and prospecting?

So according to the law, the main differences between fossicking and prospecting are that you can only fossick in designated Fossicking Areas, that the primary purpose of fossicking cannot be commercial gain (in other words, fossicking is meant to be a casual, hobby occupation, and you should not be trying to make a …

What is Kilkivan known for?

Queensland’s first gold discovery was at Kilkivan in 1852 and subsequent findings escalated into a gold rush in the 1860s. The town was named for a pastoral run owned by pastoralist John Daniel MacTaggart (1823–1871) after his father’s farm name near Drumlemble, Kintyre, Scotland.