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Where can I buy opalescent apples?

Where can I buy opalescent apples?

Whole Foods Market is a big supporter of Opal apples. You can find them across the country in all their stores.

Are Opal apples healthy?

Like other apples, the Opal apple contains vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. The fruit contains fiber and is a relatively low-calorie food.

Can I order Opal apples?

Order Opal Apples from local and national retailers near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless delivery or pickup within 2 hours.

Is Opal apple genetically modified?

Opal® apples are Non-GMO Project verified. They are the first U.S. apple variety to be verified by the Non-GMO Project, the only independent verification in North America for non-GMO food.

Are Opal apples in season now?

Opal® apples are available from November through June each year and grown in limited acreage so once it’s gone for the season – it’s gone. So find them, eat them and enjoy them while you can!

What happened to Opal apples?

They were discovered in 1999, tested in 63 orchards throughout Europe and the Mediterranean for 12 years, and introduced to the US market in 2010. Today, Opal apples are grown exclusively at Broetje Orchards in Prescott, WA.

What are the benefits of Opal apples?

Believe it or not, Opal apples are actually very similar to other kinds of apples. Apples are packed with amazing health benefits: weight loss, heart protection, lowering your risk for diabetes, and many more. Not only are they good for you, but they taste yummy too!

Do Opal apples taste like pears?

Opal® apples have a sweet, subtly tart, and tangy taste with pleasant fruity nuances reminiscent of banana, pear, and coconut.

What time of year are Opal apples in season?

Today, Opal apples are grown exclusively at Broetje Orchards in Prescott, WA. Peak season is December to March for conventional Opals, and November to January for the organic variety. Two things are immediately striking about the apples: their heft and their color.

What do Opal apples taste like?

The white flesh underneath is crisp and juicy, with a resounding crunch, similar to a Honeycrisp. Flavor-wise, it’s quite sweet and slightly floral.

What are Opal apples good for?

How much does Opal apple cost?

How Much Do Opal Apples Cost? Opal Apples cost about $1 each in the grocery store. Most opal apples are sold in 2lb bags that cost around $3-$4 per bag of 3-4 apples.