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Where are proxy settings in Windows Server 2012?

Where are proxy settings in Windows Server 2012?


  1. Navigate to User Configuration–>Windows Settings–>Internet Explorer Maintenance–>Connection.
  2. Double click on ‘Proxy Settings’
  3. Set your proxy.

What is proxy bypass list?

The Proxy Bypass tab of the Bypass Settings page enables you to define sites that bypass the cloud service for all policies. This may include, for example, internal sites that are not accessible from the Internet, so the cloud service cannot serve or analyze them.

How do I change proxy settings for all users?


  1. Login to the OS as local administrator.
  2. Update the Proxy settings as needed from the internet explorer settings.
  3. Manually enter the proxy that the site is using in the http and https field and set the needed bypasses.
  4. Open CMD and type: netsh winhttp import proxy source =ie.

How do I add a website to my proxy exception list?

Adding an Exception in Internet Explorer

  1. Go to Tools >> Internet Options.
  2. Click on the Connections tab.
  3. Click on LAN settings in the Local Area Network (LAN) settings section.
  4. Click on the Advanced button in the Proxy Server section.
  5. Add your exceptions in the Exceptions section, separated by semi-colon.

How do I find out what my proxy server is?

Errors & Troubleshooting

  1. In the Windows search bar, type “Internet Options”.
  2. Select Internet Options from the results list.
  3. Click to open the Connections tab.
  4. Click the LAN settings button.
  5. Notice in the Proxy Server section:
  6. The proxy server address and port in use for HTTP/HTTPS traffic will be displayed.

How do I check my proxy?

In any Windows version, you can find the proxy settings via the Control Panel on your computer.

  1. Click on Start and open the Control Panel. Then click on Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options, go to Connections > LAN settings.
  3. Here you have all the settings that are related to setting up a proxy in Windows.

Where are proxy settings in registry?

Navigate within the folders in regedit to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.” You should see a setting called “ProxyEnable.” Double-click it to edit it. Set it to 1 to enable a proxy server and 0 to disable one, connecting directly to the internet.