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When was freedom of information Bill passed in Philippines?

When was freedom of information Bill passed in Philippines?

President Rodrigo Duterte’s signing of Executive Order (EO) 2 on July 23, 2016 gives the public access to official documents and transactions in all state departments and offices under the Executive Branch.

Who created the Freedom of Information Act Philippines?

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed Executive Order No. 02, also known as the Freedom of Information (FOI) Program, on July 23, 2016, in Davao City. The executive order established the first freedom of information (FOI) Program in the Philippines covering all government offices under the Executive Branch.

Why FOI Bill is important?

The passage of a Freedom of Information Law is crucial for Filipino citizens to exercise their right to access government-held information. It empowers citizen participation in demanding for transparency and accountability from the government.

Why is the freedom of information Bill important for ordinary Filipino citizen?

It strengthens the right to information as enshrined by the constitution. FOI allows Filipino citizens to request any information about government transactions and operations, provided that it shall not put into jeopardy privacy and matters of national security.

What is FOI in the Philippines?

Executive Order No. 02 or the Executive Order on Freedom of Information (FOI) aims to promote an open government by increasing the transparency of the executive branch and its agencies. It strengthens the right to information as enshrined by the constitution.

Who passed freedom of information bill?

the National Assembly
The Freedom of Information Act 2011 (142 KB) was passed by the National Assembly on 24th May 2011 and assented by President Goodluck Jonathan on 28th May, 2011.

What is the FOI bill?

In a prerecorded video message during the FOI Awards, Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar urged lawmakers to prioritize the passage of the FOI Bill, which mandates full disclosure of official public records from offices under the Executive Branch.

Is freedom of information bill approved?

On Monday, March 10, 2014, the Senate passed the FOI bill on third and final reading, with 22 affirmative votes, no abstention, and no negative votes.

When was the Freedom of Information Act implemented?

The Central Government passed the Freedom of Information Act in December 2002.

What is the meaning of Freedom of Information Act?

Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.

Is FOI bill passed?

Who is responsible for Freedom of Information Act?

The public authority that receives the request is responsible for responding. Requests should not be sent to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), except where the requester wants information the ICO holds.

Is FOI bill approved by previous President Aquino?

Both bills below follow the proposed FOI bill approved by President Benigno S. Aquino III, which was transmitted to the previous Congress by the Secretary of Budget and Management, Florencio Abad. Secretary Abad resubmitted the bill to the current Congress as well.

When did the FOI bill pass the Senate?

On Monday, March 10, 2014, the Senate passed the FOI bill on third and final reading, with 22 affirmative votes, no abstention, and no negative votes. House of Representatives LATEST: On March 4, 2015, the bill passed the Committee on Appropriations; as of this date, it is awaiting 2nd reading.

Who was the first governor of the Philippines?

In 1572, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi became the first Governor of the Philippines and established a government together with Augustinian and Dominican friars. From Quiz: The Philippines under Spanish Rule .

What is the Official Gazette of the Philippines?

The Official Gazette is the official journal of the Republic of the Philippines. Edited at the Office of the President of the Philippines Under Commonwealth Act No. 638 Home Freedom of Information Bill