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When a funeral procession is present ____ has the right-of-way?

When a funeral procession is present ____ has the right-of-way?

Explanation Motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to funeral processions. When the lead vehicle enters an intersection, the remaining vehicles in the funeral procession may follow through the intersection, regardless of any traffic control devices.

Is pulling over for a funeral procession a southern thing?

Although funeral processions exist elsewhere in the country, southern tradition accords a great deal of deference to processions. In fact, in many parts of the rural South, it is considered respectful to pull over and allow the procession to pass – regardless of what side of the road you’re on.

What should a driver do when a funeral procession is near?

If You are Driving In a Funeral Procession

  • Turn on your headlights. This lets other drivers know that you are part of the procession.
  • Funeral processions have the right of way.
  • Keep your place in line.
  • Drive slowly.
  • Be respectful.

What is the protocol for a funeral procession?

If You are In a Funeral Procession. When the funeral is over, the officiant, the casket, and the family leave first. The casket is placed in the hearse, which then leads the procession. Family members follow the hearse, and the remaining mourners follow the family.

When encountering a funeral procession that is crossing an intersection?

If you are driving your vehicle in a funeral procession, you may follow the procession through an intersection controlled by a stop sign or a red traffic control light without stopping.

When May drivers who are not part of a funeral procession drive between vehicles in a moving funeral procession?

When may drivers who are not part of a funeral procession drive between vehicles in a moving funeral procession? During daylight hours, with clear visibility, and it is safe to do so. One can assume that pedestrians in the roadway are aware of approaching cars and will take the necessary precautions.

Should you pull over for a funeral procession?

“The safest and most respectful thing to do is to just slow down and pull over, and when it’s safe to do so, to let them through,” says Constable Jason Taylor of Calgary Police’s traffic section. “They’re in a grieving situation and they don’t need to deal with people honking or saying things to them.”

Why do you stop for a funeral procession?

There is no legal requirement for you to stop for a funeral procession. However, if the lead car has passed a red light, all other cars may follow, in which case you’ll have to stop. However, traditionally, it shows respect to pull over for passing funeral processions.

Can you drive in the lane next to a funeral procession?

All vehicles in the procession must have their headlights lit, and their emergency lights flashing and must be as closely spaced as safely possible. Other vehicles may not drive between, join, pass on a two-lane road, or cross the path of vehicles in a funeral procession.

Does oncoming traffic have to stop for a funeral procession in Indiana?

The truth is that motorists who are not in the actual procession only have to yield the right of way to funeral processions passing through intersections. Approaching traffic does not stop or pull over.

Is it rude to pass a funeral procession?

Most recognize this as a funeral procession and pull over, affording it the respect it deserves. Others seem to pay no mind and, in a hurry to get somewhere, attempt to cut through the procession. This is disrespectful to the family, dangerous, and –in Virginia– illegal.

Why do funeral cars drive slow?

Firstly, why do funeral corteges drive so slow? According to Matthew Funeral Home and Cremation Services Inc, the slow speed is in place for two reasons. Firstly, it emulates the slow, somber march of traditional funeral processions. Secondly, it prevents other drivers on the road from separating the group.

Do you have the right of way in a funeral procession?

Yield the right-of-way until the entire funeral procession has gone through the intersection. Never join a funeral procession by tagging onto the end or cutting into the middle of one. It can be very disrespectful to the mourners to butt in, not to mention dangerous.

Do funeral processions have to stop at traffic lights?

Most of the states have no laws in place regarding funeral processions. In other states, the lead vehicle in the procession must obey traffic signals at intersections, stopping at red lights or stop signs.

What are the rules of the road for funeral processions in Georgia?

In Georgia, all drivers regardless of whether they are in a funeral procession or not have to adhere to the traffic regulaltions at all time as the state follows the Uniform Traffic Act.

How do you handle traffic at a funeral?

Pay Close Attention to the Rules. During the funeral or immediately following the funeral, the Funeral Director or funeral attendants will give you directions and explain any special traffic laws that may apply. For example, in certain states, you have the right-of-way at red lights and stop signs.