What were the impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami?
Ten people were reported killed, and flooding destroyed a major bridge between the capital Port Victoria and main airport. Also, the island reported devastating economic loss in millions of dollars due to hotels, housing, public utilities, and fishing damages. More than 300 deaths were reported and 5,000 displaced.
How does tsunamis affect climate change?
A warming climate can increase the risk of both submarine (underwater) and aerial (above ground) landslides, thereby increasing the risk of local tsunamis. The melting of permafrost (frozen soil) at high latitudes decreases soil stability, making it more susceptible to erosion and landslides.
What are the effects on the environment after a tsunami?
Environmental impacts A tsunami changes the landscape. It uproots trees and plants and destroys animal habitats such as nesting sites for birds. Land animals are killed by drowning and sea animals are killed by pollution if dangerous chemicals are washed away into the sea, thus poisoning the marine life.
What was the environmental impact of the 2004 tsunami?
Environmental impacts of the tsunami Farm land ruined by salt water. 8 million litres of oil escaped from oil plants in Indonesia. Mangrove forests along the coast were destroyed. Coral reefs and coastal wetlands damaged.
How does a tsunami affect the atmosphere?
The high and low points of tsunami waves compress and extend the air above them, creating corresponding gravity waves in the atmosphere. These waves travel upward through the air, where they affect the density of the electrons in the upper atmosphere layer called the ionosphere.
What changes were made after the 2004 tsunami?
Japan has learned from this tragedy and, among other things, made changes to tsunami warning messages, improved coastal defences, and installed more seismometers and tsunami buoys.
How does global warming affect Earth?
Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.
What are 5 effects of a tsunami?
In addition to loss of life and mass injuries, other potential impacts include damage to and destruction of homes and businesses, ports and harbors, cultural resources, utilities, and critical infrastructure and facilities. There may be loss of access to basic services such as power, sewer, and water.
How did the Indian Ocean tsunami affect the land?
Most of the damage was to the coastal infrastructure, including harbours, destruction of coastal vegetation, and extensive sand erosion. Sea water intrusion into inland areas also affected soil fertility, causing many islands’ top soil to be washed away and increasing the salinity of the soil.
How do tsunamis cause pollution?
A tsunami creates a surge of ocean water that can sometimes engulf large geographic areas. As the ocean water comes ashore, drinking water wells can become submerged and potentially contaminated with microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites) and chemicals that can adversely affect human health.
How does a tsunami affect all the spheres?
Impact on the atmosphere: Tsunamis destroy many things when they come through towns or cities, they can cause a lot of damage. Tsunamis can rip down trees, houses, buildings, etc. When the tsunami destroys too many trees we can lose a lot of oxygen which can harm the atmosphere.
What changes were made after the Indian Ocean tsunami?
The tsunami’s toll on Aceh was enormous. Kinship networks were torn apart, survivors lost homes and business assets, saltwater and silt inundation changed landscapes and soil composition, and physical infrastructure was destroyed.