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What was the movie L.A. Confidential about?

What was the movie L.A. Confidential about?

Three policemen, each with his own motives and obsessions, tackle the corruption surrounding an unsolved murder at a downtown Los Angeles coffee shop in the early 1950s. Detective Lieutenant Exley (Guy Pearce), the son of a murdered detective, is out to avenge his father’s killing. The ex-partner of Officer White (Russell Crowe), implicated in a scandal rooted out by Exley, was one of the victims. Sergeant Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) feeds classified information to a tabloid magnate (Danny DeVito).L.A. Confidential / Film synopsis

Was L.A. Confidential a good movie?

L.A. Confidential is, without a doubt, the best film of the 1990s, and quite possibly one of the best films ever made. As with any great film, it all starts with the writing. The story is riveting, the dialogue is smart and quite funny, and the characters are written in three dimensions.

Did Pam Anderson audition for L.A. Confidential?

Pamela Anderson was auditioning for L.A. Confidential, which went to Basinger, and Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, which went to Hurley.

What does Rolo Tomassi mean in L.A. Confidential?

“Rollo Tomassi.” It’s a name that echoes throughout Curtis Hanson’s masterful modern noir, L.A. Confidential. It’s a name that changes minds, reveals guilt, and displays shame. But, of course, the beauty of the name (and what a fine name it is) is that, technically, “Rollo Tomassi” means nothing.

What inspired L.A. Noire?

L.A. Noire is heavily influenced by the films L.A. Confidential, Chinatown and The Naked City, among many others, using characters and locations similar to various noir movies, with some characters being outright named in homage to others (an example being Roy Earle).

What is L.A. Noire based on?

Although L.A. Noire is a fictional game, many of its cases are inspired by real-life crimes from 1940s Los Angeles. It’s hard not to get engrossed in the world of L.A. Noire. Taking place in 1947 Los Angeles, players assume the role of Cole Phelps, a returning veteran of World War II with a talent for detective work.

What happens to Bud White at the end of L.A. Confidential?

In L.A. Confidential, an unsuspecting Bud White, while trying to aid Ed Exley, gets shot thrice by Dudley at the Victory Motel shootout. The Three Shots: Bud pushes Ed out of the way. Gets shot, presumably in the left arm, as we later see his left arm is in a sling.

Who is the good guy in L.A. Confidential?


Award Category Nominee(s)
Chlotrudis Awards Best Movie
Best Director Curtis Hanson
Best Actor Russell Crowe
Guy Pearce

Which role did Pam Anderson lose to Kim Basinger?

The exposure the tape provided did boost Anderson’s career, just not in the way she would have liked. The series shows her shunned by Hollywood, blocked from most of the roles she auditioned for; Kim Basinger beat her to the role of Lynn in L.A Confidential, Elizabeth Hurley to that of Vanessa in Austin Powers.

Did Pamela try out for Austin Powers?

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, “The X-Files” star Gillian Anderson says that Pamela Anderson was initially approached about playing the role she eventually embodied instead.