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What was the Consumer Price Index in 2012?

What was the Consumer Price Index in 2012?

Consumer Price Index increases 1.7 percent in 2012

Month Percent change
Jan 2012 2.9
Feb 2012 2.9
Mar 2012 2.7
Apr 2012 2.3

What was the CPI in May 2012?

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.7 percent over the last 12 months to an index level of 229.815 (1982-84=100).

What is the Consumer Price Index in Ontario?

Latest Data

Region CPI
Canada 145.3
Quebec 144.5
Ontario 150.8
Alberta 156.5

What was the percentage change in annual average CPI from 2012 to 2013?

The data below use 1983 as the index (1983=100)….Sizing up the long-term cost of inflation.

Year Annual Average CPI(-U) Annual Percent Change (rate of inflation)
2011 224.9 3.2%
2012 229.6 2.1%
2013 233.0 1.5%
2014 236.7 1.6%

What was the CPI for 2013?

The CPI rose 1.5 percent in 2013 after a 1.7 percent increase in 2012. This is lower than the 2.4 percent average annual increase over the last ten years. This is the first time the CPI has gone up less than 2.0 percent for consecutive years since 1997-98.

What was CPI in December 2012?

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.7 percent over the last 12 months to an index level of 229.601 (1982-84=100).

What was the US annual average CPI in 2012?

Sizing up the long-term cost of inflation

Year Annual Average CPI(-U) Annual Percent Change (rate of inflation)
2012 229.6 2.1%
2013 233.0 1.5%
2014 236.7 1.6%
2015 237.0 0.1%

How is CPI calculated in Canada?

Divide the annual average index by 100 to obtain the conversion factor. 65.6 / 100 = 0.656, therefore, the conversion factor is 0.656. Next, divide the index value for the month you are rebasing by the conversion factor. The all-items CPI for Canada for March 2009 is 173.8 with a base period of 1986=100.

How do you calculate inflation over 10 years?

First, subtract the CPI from the beginning date (A) from the later date (B), and divide it by the CPI for the beginning date (A). Then multiply the result by 100 to get the inflation rate percentage.