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What verb is puesto?

What verb is puesto?


inglés nosotros/-as
Present I put, am putting ponemos
Present Perfect I have put hemos puesto
Imperfect I was putting, used to put, put poníamos
Preterite I put pusimos

What are the 6 conjugations of poner?


  • pongo.
  • pones.
  • él/ella/Ud. pone.
  • ponemos.
  • ponéis.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. ponen.

How do you conjugate the verb poner in Spanish?

Poner is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to put….Poner Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo pongo
él/ella pone
ns. ponemos
vs. ponéis
ellos/ellas ponen

What tense is Poniendo?

Poner in the Present Tense

Subject Pronoun Present Tense Translation
pones You (informal) put
él, ella, usted pone He, she puts, you (formal) put
nosotros/nosotras ponemos We put
vosotros/vosotras ponéis You (plural, informal) put

What does the Spanish word puesto mean in English?

place; position
Puesto is a noun that means place; position, job; stall, and you can find out how to pronounce it here: Puesto means place in specific contexts.

How do you spell pues?

Definition – In Spanish, pues can be used as a filler word, to express the cause of something and to empathize sentences. Depending on the context, ‘pues’ can be translated as ‘well’, ‘then’, ‘since’, ‘of course’, ‘yes’ or ‘indeed’.

How do you conjugate OIR?

For these oír conjugations, there are two forms of oír that you need to learn. The infinitive form of the verb is oír. The past participle of oír is oído. The gerund form of oír is oyendo.

Is Caer regular or irregular?

Caer is a g verb, which means that it’s regular in the present tense in all but the first person singular, which has a g. él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds.

What conjugation is Puso?

Preterite of Ponerse

Subject Pronoun Preterite Conjugation Translation
yo me puse I put on/started/was
te pusiste you put on/started/were
él/ella usted se puso he/she put on/started/was, you (formal) put on/started/were
nosotros/ nosotras nos pusimos we put on/started/were

What tense is PUDO?

Preterite Tense – Verb Poder

yo pude I was able
pudiste you were able
Ud./él/ella pudo you/he/she was able
nosotros/as pudimos we were able
vosotros/as pudisteis you all were able