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What type of galaxy is NGC 2207?

What type of galaxy is NGC 2207?

intermediate spiral galaxy
The larger spiral, NGC 2207, is classified as an intermediate spiral galaxy exhibiting a weak inner ring structure around the central bar.

Who discovered the mice galaxies?

William Herschel
ARP 242 – The Mice Galaxies – is a pair of interacting galaxies in the constellation of Coma Berenices about 300 light-years from Earth. They were discovered by William Herschel on March 13, 1785 giving them designation NGC 4676. The northern galaxy is IC 819 and the southern IC 820.

What type of galaxy is the Messier 82?

starburst galaxy
The galaxy Messier 82 is a fairly small galaxy, with a mass less than a tenth of the Milky Way’s, but can be studied in great detailed due to being so close. At around 12 million light years away, Messier 82 is one of the best studied examples of a “starburst galaxy”.

What describes an elliptical galaxy?

Definition of elliptical galaxy : a galaxy that has a generally elliptical shape and that has no apparent internal structure or spiral arms. — called also elliptical. — compare spiral galaxy.

What type of galaxy is NGC 4314?

About the Object

Name: IRAS 12200+3010, NGC 4314
Type: Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Barred
Distance: 35 million light years
Category: Galaxies

What telescope will replace Hubble?

The Webb Telescope
The Webb Telescope is the long-awaited successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. The $9.7-billion space telescope has been under development for decades. It has undergone many delays over its long history.

Is M82 a starburst galaxy?

The NASA Hubble Space Telescope captured this richly detailed view of the magnificent starburst galaxy, Messier 82 (M82). The galaxy is remarkable for its bright blue disk, webs of shredded clouds, and fiery-looking plumes of glowing hydrogen blasting out of its central regions.

Where is the M82 galaxy?

RA 9h 55m 52s | Dec +69° 40′ 47″Messier 82 / Coordinates

What are 3 characteristics of elliptical galaxies?

There are four distinguishing characteristics of the ellipticals: (a) they have much more random star motion than orderly rotational motion (star orbits are aligned in a wide range of angles and have a wide range of eccentricities); (b) they have very little dust and gas left between the stars; (c) this means that they …