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What star sign is 1st June?

What star sign is 1st June?

Friends and Lovers Like many Gemini natives, June 1 natives crave the constant attention of friends and associates, and yet no one may know them intimately. Their romantic life is likely to have its peaks and valleys, but they are never afraid to take a chance on a new relationship.

Is 2001 a yin or yang?

Recent years of the Snake

Year Celestial Stem Yin Yang
1989 Yin
2001 xīn Yin
2013 guǐ Yin
2025 Yin

What kind of snake is 2001 Chinese zodiac?

Years of the Snake: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953… The Snake occupies the sixth position in the Chinese zodiac….Lucky flowers:

Snake Year Chinese Zodiac Calendar Type of Snake
1989 February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990 Earth Snake
2001 January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002 Gold Snake

What makes a Gemini happy?

They love to share their gifts with the world and they have a strong desire to make a positive difference. Geminis want to make a lasting impression with everyone they know and come in contact with. Geminis are very loyal to their family and friends and in many cases will sacrifice a lot just to see them happy.

Are Gemini loyal in love?

If you’re dating a Gemini, be extra patient with them when it comes to commitment. Geminis struggle to commit due to their flakiness, but Geminis are extremely loyal when they find the right partner.

What animal represents the year 2001?

Chinese Lunar New Year – Calendar and Zodiac Animals

If you were born on or between these dates you are: Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2001 January 24 2002 February 11 Snake
2000 February 5 2001 January 23 Dragon
1999 February 16 2000 February 4 Rabbit
1998 January 28 1999 February 15 Tiger

What animal am I if I was born in 2001?

People born in the Year of the Snake were born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025.