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What should be included in code review checklist?

What should be included in code review checklist?

Code review checklist

  • Verify feature requirements ✔️ Once you have absorbed the context of the PR, it’s time to verify the requirements.
  • Code readability 📚 Once you have verified the requirements, it’s time to take a look at the readability.
  • Coding Style 💅
  • Clear naming 👀
  • Code duplication 👯
  • Tests ✅
  • Documentation ✍️

How do I review SQL code?

SQL Server Code Review Checklist for Developers

  1. Verify that you have selected the most efficient data type.
  2. Verify that the working data set is minimal in size.
  3. Verify that the naming conventions are clear and meaningful.
  4. Verify the security of your SQL Server data.
  5. Verify that your application has good Resource Management.

Which are your criteria for code reviews?

If this list seems overwhelming, Codementor also offers code review as a service.

  • Readability a.k.a. ‘Understandability’ Readability in software means that the code is easy to understand.
  • Maintainability.
  • Security.
  • Speed and Performance.
  • Documentation.
  • Reinventing the Wheel.
  • Reliability.
  • Scalability.

How do I review a stored procedure?

Expand Databases, expand the database in which the procedure belongs, and then expand Programmability. Expand Stored Procedures, right-click the procedure and then select Script Stored Procedure as, and then select one of the following: Create To, Alter To, or Drop and Create To. Select New Query Editor Window.

What are code review techniques?

Code review is a software quality assurance process in which software’s source code is analyzed manually by a team or by using an automated code review tool. The motive is purely, to find bugs, resolve errors, and for most times, improving code quality.

What is a peer code review?

A code review — also known as a peer code review — involves one or more team members checking another teammate’s work. This involves viewing changes made to the source code before they are implemented into the codebase.

What are the daily activities of SQL Server DBA?

The Top 10 SQL Server DBA Daily Tasks

  • Check SQL Server Instance Up-time.
  • Check Last Full, Differential and Log Backup Times.
  • Check Failed SQL Agent Jobs in the Last 24 Hours.
  • Check Current Log for Failed Logins.
  • Check for Blocked Processes.
  • Check Top N Queries Based on Average CPU Time.
  • Check Drive Volumes Space.

How do I prepare for code review?

10 tips to guide you toward effective peer code review

  1. Review fewer than 400 lines of code at a time.
  2. Take your time.
  3. Do not review for more than 60 minutes at a time.
  4. Set goals and capture metrics.
  5. Authors should annotate source code before the review.
  6. Use checklists.
  7. Establish a process for fixing defects found.

How do I debug a SQL stored procedure?

To debug a function, open the procedure calling that function and insert a breakpoint for the function you want to debug. Then, start debugging. Step through the code using the F11 key or Step Into, or press CTRL+F5 to move directly to the breakpoint. Press F11 or click Step Into to get inside the stored function.

How do you conduct a good code review?