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What should a nurse do for hyponatremia?

What should a nurse do for hyponatremia?

Nursing Interventions for Hyponatremia Hypervolemic Hyponatremia: Restrict fluid intake and in some cases administer diuretics to excretion the extra water rather than sodium to help concentrate the sodium. If the patient has renal impairment they may need dialysis.

How do you fix hyponatremia?

In patients with severe symptomatic hyponatremia, the rate of sodium correction should be 6 to 12 mEq per L in the first 24 hours and 18 mEq per L or less in 48 hours. A bolus of 100 to 150 mL of hypertonic 3% saline can be given to correct severe hyponatremia.

What are some nursing diagnosis for hyponatremia?

More Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia Nursing Diagnosis

  • Risk for: Excess Fluid Volume (Hyponatremia) or Deficient Fluid Volume (Hypernatremia)
  • Elimination disorders related to a decrease in urine volume.
  • Disturbed Thought Processes.
  • Risk for Injury related to seizures.

Do you give normal saline for hyponatremia?

Our review did not reveal any head-to-head comparison trials of different methods or types of intravenous fluids for the treatment of hypovolemic hyponatremia. In practice, infusion with normal saline (9% sodium) is recommended to restore ECF volume by replacing both salt and free water.

How do you raise your sodium level?

Intravenous (IV) fluids with a high-concentration of sodium, and/or diuretics to raise your blood sodium levels. Loop Diuretics – also known as “water pills” as they work to raise blood sodium levels, by making you urinate out extra fluid.

What is the fastest way to cure hyponatremia?


  1. Intravenous fluids. Your doctor may recommend IV sodium solution to slowly raise the sodium levels in your blood.
  2. Medications. You may take medications to manage the signs and symptoms of hyponatremia, such as headaches, nausea and seizures.

Can you give NS for hyponatremia?

Sodium chloride Oral salt tablets can be used in patients with mild-moderate hyponatremia. When using intravenous saline, the electrolyte concentration of the administered fluid must be greater than the electrolyte concentration of the urine. This usually requires the use of hypertonic saline.

What nursing interventions will you provide for a patient with fluid imbalance?

There are specific nursing interventions for fluid and electrolyte imbalances that can aid in alleviating the patient’s condition.

  • Monitor turgor.
  • Urine concentration.
  • Oral and parenteral fluids.
  • Oral rehydration solutions.
  • Central nervous system changes.
  • Diet.

What fluids do you give for low sodium?

The most common treatment option proposed for patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia is replacement of both salt and water through the intravenous infusion of sodium chloride solutions.

Why do you give D5W for hyponatremia?

A brief infusion of 5 % dextrose in water (D5W) re-lowers the serum sodium to a more acceptable level, representing a 10-mmol / l increase in 24 h.

What is the best source of sodium?

Top Sources of Sodium1

  • Sandwiches.
  • Cold cuts and cured meats.
  • Soups.
  • Burritos and tacos.
  • Savory snacks*
  • Chicken.
  • Cheese.
  • Eggs and Omelets.