What services does a trucking company provide?
Below, we have listed the service solutions we most commonly offer to our customers.
What is RTS in trucking?
RTS Pro is an all-in-one mobile solution for your trucking company, providing quick access to your fuel discounts, factoring services, broker credit ratings and trucking software.
What is RTS factoring?
RTS Pro Factoring RTS Pro is a web-based platform that allows you to manage your factoring account from anywhere at any time. Easy invoice uploading. Bundle option for submitting multiple invoices. Online access to manage your account from anywhere at any time.
How does RTS Pro work?
Utilizing the Trip Management feature in RTS Pro allows the ProTransport desktop user to communicate trip information directly with drivers. The drivers can share stop status updates and upload billing documents (BOLs, PODs, lumper receipts, etc…) directly to the loads they are assigned to within ProTransport.
What is a factor company?
A factoring company is a company that provides invoice factoring services, which involves buying a business’s unpaid invoices at a discount. The business gets a percentage of the invoice, say 85%, within a few days, and the factoring company takes ownership of the invoice and the payment process.
What is notice of assignment in trucking?
The Notice of Assignment is the document used to alert your customers that this change in ownership has taken place.
How much does OTR charge for factoring?
Depending on the size of the company, and risk involved, OTR charges 2-4% for non-recourse option. OTR Capital’s non-recourse contract is easy to understand.
Is RTS Pro free?
RTS Pro Support Download the app on your device for free through Google Play or the App Store or visit www.rtspro.com. If you have questions or feedback about RTS Pro, please call (888) 874-7053 or email [email protected].
Is RTS a good factoring company?
Though it works with many different industries, its primary focus on the trucking industry is evident in its fuel card program, equipment leasing and various trucking-related software. For these reasons, RTS Financial is the best factoring service for freight and trucking companies.
What services are included in logistics?
The services provided by logistics companies include: management of customs procedures, setting up of assembly and manufacturing plants; groupage; warehousing; information logistics services; and transportation with a selection of carriers and negotiation of tariffs.