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What plumbing code does Washington DC use?

What plumbing code does Washington DC use?

Beginning in 1999 the District of Columbia adopted the 1996 International Mechanical Code and 1995 International Plumbing Code, and completed the transition to the I-Codes in 2003, when nine of the 2000 edition of the I-Codes were adopted.

What is DC Code?

D.C Code means the District of Columbia Official Code.

What building code does Virginia use?

Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC)
Virginia’s state building codes and regulations are administered through the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC), and its associated standards and regulations for industrialized or modular buildings, manufactured homes and amusement devices.

What is DC in construction?

1. DC. Design & Construction + 1 variant. Design, Building, Remodeling.

What are local building codes?

A building code is a set of regulations that are enacted by either state or local governments regulating the construction, renovation, and repair of buildings and other structures that humans may occupy. We use the term ordinance to describe a regulation passed by a municipality, such as a city, village, or town.

Who enacts D.C. Code?

The laws in the District of Columbia Code are passed by the Council of the District of Columbia. The Council consists of 13 members, including a Chairman. Each of the eight wards in the District must be represented by at least one member.

Is D.C. Code a statute?

Like the U.S. Code and state codes, the District of Columbia Code is a subject compilation of enacted legislation, divided into titles, chapters and sections. However, unlike most state codes, the D.C. Code also contains federal statutes which have an impact on the District of Columbia.

How are building codes principally enforced in Virginia?

Enforcement of the USBC is the responsibility of the local government’s building inspections department. The local governing body may charge fees to defray the costs of enforcement and appeals arising from the application of the code. The USBC contains enforcement procedures that must be used by the enforcing agency.

What does DCP mean in construction?

The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is used to determine underlying soil strength by measuring the penetration of the device into soil after each hammer blow. 2.

What is DPP in construction?

DPP – Design & Procurement Programme.