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What mineral group is rutile?

What mineral group is rutile?

The Rutile Group minerals are tetragonal (meaning they have one four fold axis) with a 4/m 2/m 2/m symmetry. The structure is composed of parallel chains of octahedrons composed of the M ion surrounded by six oxygens. It is the parallel chain structure that produces the prismatic crystal habit typical of this group.

What is the chemical classification of rutile?

Physical Properties of Rutile
Chemical Classification Oxide
Chemical Composition Titanium oxide, TiO2
Crystal System Tetragonal
Uses An ore of titanium, pigments, inert coating on welding rods

Is rutile a silicate mineral?

The minerals associated with rutile include a wide range of species. As a product of crystallization from rock magmas, it is associated with most of the common rock-forming silicate minerals, including quartz.

What is rutile structure?

The rutile structure is an important MX2 (X = O, F) structure. It is a 6:3 structure, in which the cations are octahedrally coordinated by anions, and as such is intermediate in polarity between the CaF2 (8:4) and SiO2 (4:2) structures.

What metal is rutile?

titanium mineral
Rutile is a commercially important titanium mineral, although most titanium dioxide is produced from ilmenite.

What are the physical properties of rutile?

Rutile Physical Properties

Color Blood red, brownish yellow, brown-red, yellow, greyish-black, black, brown, bluish or violet
Crystal System Tetragonal
Tenacity Brittle
Density 4.23(2) g/cm3 (Measured) 4.25 g/cm3 (Calculated)
Fracture Irregular/Uneven, Conchoidal, Sub-Conchoidal

Is rutile a crystalline?

Science & Origin of Rutile Rutile, often referred throughout history as Red Schorl,is a rare titanium oxide mineral that crystallizes in the form of grains, masses, prismatic crystals and long needle like crystals.

How is rutile formed?

Rutile in Quartz – TiO2 in SiO Most rutilated quartz is formed by hydrothermal processes, and as the high temperatures cool and the pressure eases, rutile crystals become trapped inside the quartz crystals. Of any known mineral, rutile has the highest refractive index and also exhibits high dispersion.

What color is rutile mineral?

Rutile can range from mirror-like metallic-looking crystals, to dark reddish sub-metallic crystals, to bright golden-yellow needles. Even the opaque metallic-looking forms are somewhat translucent on edge under backlighting, with a dark red translucent tinge.

What is rutile crystal?

Rutile, often referred throughout history as Red Schorl,is a rare titanium oxide mineral that crystallizes in the form of grains, masses, prismatic crystals and long needle like crystals. These needle shaped crystals can be found penetrating other minerals such as Quartz, Amethyst, and Hematite.

What mineral is in rutilated quartz?

Rutilated quartz is a macrocrystalline variety of the mineral Quartz (SiO2). Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth.

Is rutile a quartz?

Rutilated quartz is a type of quartz mineral with needle-like inclusions that vary in thickness, length, pattern, and color. The inclusions are composed of a titanium dioxide mineral called rutile. In terms of titanium dioxide minerals, rutile is the most common naturally occurring type.

Is rutile a mineral group?

Natural Rutile can contain up to 10% iron and large amounts of niobium and tantalum. Ruthyl was first described in 1803 by Abraham Gottlob Werner. Association: Anatase, brookite, hematite, ilmenite, apatite, adularia, albite, titanite, chlorite, pyrophyllite, calcite, quartz Mineral Group: Rutile group.

How is rutile mined today?

Rutile has a high specific gravity and is often concentrated by stream and wave action in “heavy mineral sands” that exist today in both onshore and offshore deposits. Much of the world’s rutile production is mined from these sands.

What are the characteristics of rutile rocks?

Color, crystal habits, luster, and high specific gravity. Rutile comes in several different environments, including plutonic and intrusive igneous rocks and granite s, metamorphic gneiss and schist s, carbonatite s, regional metamorphic schist s, and hydrothermal replacement deposits (including vein s in alpine cavities ).

What gemstones are made from rutile?

More than perhaps any other mineral, rutile has an affinity for growing as prism-shaped crystals within other minerals. Long prisms of rutile occur in many different gem minerals. Quartz, corundum (ruby and sapphire), garnet, and andalusite are some of the more familiar.