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What makes up a National Stock Number?

What makes up a National Stock Number?

A National Item Identification Number (NIIN) is a nine-digit code that identifies each item of supply. A National Stock Number (NSN) is a 13-digit number consisting of the four-digit Federal Supply Class (FSC) and the nine-digit NIIN.

How do you read a National Stock Number?

National Stock Number Format

  1. First 4 digits: Represent the federal supply class, and the first 2 digits of the Federal Supply Class are the Federal Supply Group.
  2. Second 2 digits: Represent the NATO Country Classification Code, or the country of origin.
  3. Last 7 digits: Are unique to each NSN.

What is a federal stock number?

The Federal Stock Number (FSN) was the codification system used by the U.S. federal government from 1955 to 1974. It was 11 digits long. The first four digits were the Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) code.

What is the stock number for?

A identifying number used for a product available in a physical warehouse or inventory system. A customer can order a product via a stock number; warehouse staff then use the stock number to find the location of the product (stock) with a product location system, and pull and ship the product to the ordering customer.

How is an NSN assigned?

Each NSN assigned to an item of supply is the result of a careful review process known as cataloging. This is the process whereby each item of supply is named, assigned an FSC code, described to identify all known characteristics and performance data, and ultimately assigned a NSN.

What does an NSN look like?

Basically, NSNs are 13 digit numbers used to label an item. They’re officially recognized by the United States government, NATO countries, and several other nations outside of NATO including Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

How is an NSN created?

Requests for NSNs are initiated whenever a non-stocked item is repeatedly ordered or when a new weapons system is being developed. Whenever a new weapon system is deployed by a military service, the service engages in an upfront review known as a provisioning process.

What does NSN mean for guns?

National Stock Number
Do you know what a National Stock Number (NSN) is? It’s a part number for a Department of Defense item that they buy a lot of. To understand it, let’s starts with a solicitation, and let’s look at two examples to help explain it. First, the army buys a rifle.

Who assigns National Stock Numbers?

National Codification Bureaus
When it is established that an Item of Supply is unique, its identity is fixed through the assignment of its own NATO Stock Number (NSN). NSNs are issued by National Codification Bureaus (NCBs). c) The final 7 digits of an NSN do not have inherent significance.

Why do I need an NSN number?

The National Student Number (NSN) is a unique number given to every student. The NSN makes it easier for us to manage and share information about students in a way that protects their privacy.

What does NSN stand for?


Acronym Definition
NSN National Stock Number
NSN Nokia Siemens Networks
NSN NATO Stock Number
NSN National Storytelling Network

How long does it take to get a National Stock Number?

A special procedure for assignment of NSNs on an emergency basis allows NSNs to be assigned in as little as 24 hours. 5. How long will it take to get a NATO Stock Number? The standard time frame for requests for codification of items is 60 days.

How to find a National Stock Number?

National Stock Numbers. GSA Global Supply offers easy access to National Stock Numbers (NSN) via the requisition process. Requisitioning is a simple method for agencies to acquire products directly from GSA. Agencies submit a requisition/order to GSA for a simple government-to-government transfer that is quick, safe, and compliant.

Where to find National Stock Number?

reduces downtime by enabling procurement personnel to quickly identify,locate,and order parts or supplies

  • accounts for existing inventory
  • identifies shelf life of an item of supply
  • maximizes use of available spares by identifying items of supply that are interchangeable or substitutable
  • What does National Stock Number mean?

    National Stock Number (NSN) is a 13-digit numeric code, identifying all the standardized material items of supply as they have been recognized by all NATO countries including United States Department of Defense (DOD). The NSN is used in all treaty countries, where it is also known as a NATO Stock Number. Some countries that use the NSN program are not members of NATO.

    How to find out your NSN number?

    for school identity cards

  • as a primary key or index in a student database
  • for most pastoral or health care information
  • administration of activities not with NCEA or similar educational records (such as sports and extra-curricular activities)
  • administration of school fees,accounts or library use
  • general communication with parents or students.