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What main effect of welfare reform does Ehrenreich mention?

What main effect of welfare reform does Ehrenreich mention?

What main effect of welfare reform does Ehrenreich mention? Welfare reform makes it so people are not able to obtain a “living wage”.

What does nickel and dimed argue?

In Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich’s experiment to prove that fair wages, overtime pay, retirement funds, and health insurance are crucial for a person in this economy. She forced her to adapt to the lifestyle of the working-poor: how they live, eat, and performed in their daily lives.

In what way does being a white native English speaker determine the types of jobs Ehrenreich works and influence where she decides to live?

In what way does being a white native English speaker determine the types of jobs Ehrenreich works and influence where she decides to live? She is more respected, can easily communicate with others, and is an overall more attractive option for employers than a nonwhite person with low literacy.

Who is budgie in nickel and dimed?

Budgie is the white bird who live in the apartment in which Barbara is living in for free. As long as she takes care of the bird, she can live there. Yes because she was not able to find a single apartment in the entire city, that was affordable.

Where does Ehrenreich begin her first low wage job of the book?

Ehrenreich begins her experiment in Key West, Florida, where she finds an efficiency apartment for $500 a month. As Ehrenreich applies for numerous jobs, she learns about the low-wage-job application process. These applications involve many multiple-choice questions and a urine test.

Why did Barbara choose Maine?

Why does Barbara choose Maine? She chooses it for its “whiteness.” In other words, this seems to be a place where she finally won’t stick out like a sore thumb in low-wage jobs for being Caucasian, blue-eyed, and a native English speaker.

What is one of the main problems Ehrenreich had with her employment?

The income she receives from waiting tables is not enough to support her and to pay the next installment of rent, and Ehrenreich takes on a second job working as a hotel maid. The two jobs become too physically demanding for her to continue, and she vacates the maid position after one day.

Which of the following was the main concern of Barbara Ehrenreich’s study in Nickel and Dimed On Not Getting By in America?

Her first and most important concern is housing, and Ehrenreich explains the different problems her fellow Hearthside employees endure in that department.

Which is one of the jobs that Barbara Ehrenreich author of Nickel and Dimed obtains when she is working in Portland Maine?

She is surprised to learn that jobs in Portland do not pay any better than in Key West. She finds this startling because logic holds that if the supply of labor is low relative to demand, wages should rise. Yet, this is not the case. Ehrenreich gets a job at “Merry Maids,” a house-cleaning service, for $6.65 an hour.

Why does Barbara think Minnesota will be more comfortable?

Barbara isn’t sure why she chose Minneapolis as her next destination: she knows Minnesota is a pretty liberal state and generous to its welfare poor, and an Internet search has shown that there are jobs for $8 an hour and studio apartments for $400 or less. This time, she’s looking for a more comfortable situation.

Where does Barbara Ehrenreich author of Nickel and Dimed work when she lives in Minnesota?

Here she works at Wal-Mart. In Minnesota, Ehrenreich has the most difficulty finding housing. She eventually moves into a hotel, which is much too expensive for her budget–although she has no other safe choices. Ehrenreich comes close to organizing a union at Wal-Mart, but leaves before anything materializes.

Why did Ehrenreich choose Maine?

Ehrenreich moves to Maine next because of the large number of white, English-speaking people in the low-wage work-force, where she notes there is an abundance of work available. Ehrenreich begins her stay in a Motel 6, which becomes her base from which to seek employment and more-permanent housing.