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What is your view of instructional leadership?

What is your view of instructional leadership?

Instructional leadership is a model of school leadership in which a principal works alongside teachers to provide support and guidance in establishing best practices in teaching. Principals employing this model of leadership communicate with their staff and together set clear goals related to student achievement.

What is the importance of instructional supervision?

The aims of instructional supervision are as follows: (1) to provide objective feedback to teachers; (2) to diagnose and solve teaching problems; (3) to help teachers develop their strategies and skills; (4) to evaluate teachers for promotions or appointments; and (5) to help teachers maintain a positive attitude [10].

What are the five areas of instructional leadership?

Those five are • student supervision in non-instructional areas of the school, • student discipline/behavior management, • supervision of non-teaching school staff, • school facilities and management, and • interaction with parents on non-instructional matters.

Which are the four stages of instructional leadership?

The Instructional Leadership Inquiry Cycle has four phases: analyze evidence, determine a focus, implement and support and analyze impact.

What is instructional leadership and supervision?

Instructional supervision is the act of checking, watching and observing the activities of. teachers, which is geared toward coaching and mentoring them as well as providing professional. guidance, direction, leadership and assistance for professional development in order to improve.

What is the main focus of the instructional leadership?

In instructional leadership, the principal’s role is deeply involved with setting the school’s direction. The “mission” dimension focuses on the principal’s role in cooperating with staff, ensuring the school continuously runs on clear, measurable, and time-based goals that result is the academic progress of students.

What is effective instructional leadership?

An effective instructional leader is knowledgeable about research-based, student-centered instruction, models the use of these strategies, and requires implementation of appropriate research-based strategies within the classroom and as a component of continuous improvement plans.

What is effective instructional supervision?

Effective Instructional Supervision involves raising student achievement and creating valuable educational opportunities for students. This can be achieved by the supervisor clearly defining goals for the teachers and facilitating opportunities for the teachers to learn about local, state, and federal requirements.

What are the principles of instructional leadership?

Murphy (1988) proposed four major dimensions of instructional leadership: 1) Developing mission and goals, 2) Managing the education production function, 3) Promoting an academic learning climate, and 4) Developing a supportive work environment.

What is meant by instructional leadership?

Instructional leadership is leadership that supports the development of teaching and learning. It is referred to using different names including pedagogical leadership, learning-centred leadership, leadership for learning, and student-centred leadership.

What are the examples of instructional supervision?

For example, an instructional supervisor might note that the teacher is implementing the best practice of organizing students into small groups for collaborative work, but if those students are conversing about an off-‐task topic, the groups are ineffective.

What are the characteristics of instructional leadership?

Characteristics of Instructional Leadership Team Members

  • A continuous learner.
  • Effective working with adult learners.
  • An effective communicator.
  • Collaborative.
  • Knowledgeable of content and pedagogy.
  • Knowledge of assessment and data.
  • A systems thinker.