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What is unmet need for contraception?

What is unmet need for contraception?

Definition. Unmet need for family planning is defined as the percentage of women of reproductive age, either married or in a union, who have an unmet need for family planning. Women with unmet need are those who are want to stop or delay childbearing but are not using any method of contraception.

How do you calculate unmet need for family planning?

Unmet need for contraception can be calculated as the difference between ideal contraceptive prevalence and current contraceptive prevalence.

What are the causes of unmet need for family planning?

Weak or inconsistent or ambivalent fertility preferences Ambivalent, weakly held or vacillating fertility preferences are likely to be a major cause of non-use and apparent unmet need for family planning.

What are some barriers to obtaining contraception?


  • Unintended Pregnancy in the United States and the Case for Contraceptive Access.
  • Knowledge Deficits.
  • Restrictive Legal and Legislative Climate.
  • Cost and Insurance Coverage.
  • Objection to Contraception.
  • Unnecessary Medical Practices.
  • Institutional and Payment Barriers.
  • Health Care Inequities.

What is meant by an unmet need?

Unmet needs or demands are not satisfied.

What means unmet?

not satisfied or fulfilled
Definition of unmet 1 : not satisfied or fulfilled unmet needs unmet expectations an unmet deadline. 2 : not having met several unmet individuals.

How do you deal with unmet needs?

Having identified that we have unmet needs –

  1. recognise and acknowledge the hurt and the gap – name what it is you need that is currently lacking.
  2. choose a good, calm time and talk it through with your partner, keeping the focus on how you feel and not on blaming them.

What is the definition of unmet needs?

(ʌnmɛt ) adjective. Unmet needs or demands are not satisfied.

What are the barriers to contraceptive use in developing countries?

Previously identified limits to contraceptive use among adolescents in developing countries include lack of knowledge, sex education and access to services; risk misperceptions; and negative social norms around premarital sexual activity and pregnancy [11, 12].

What is the biggest barrier to contraception?

The primary barrier to contraceptive use was perceived health risk, including effects on menstruation, weight, and future fertility.

What are the obstacles or barriers to learners using hormonal contraception?

Three barriers to use of modern contraceptives emerged: gaps in knowledge about the range of available contraceptive methods; misinformation and negative perceptions about some methods; and concern about social opposition to contraceptive use, mainly from male partners.

What is another word for unmet?

What is another word for unmet?

unsatisfied discontented
disgruntled displeased
disappointed unhappy
unfulfilled unconvinced
failed unsatisfiable

How can we estimate trends of unmet contraceptive need?

Similar to the model for contraceptive prevalence, a hierarchical approach was used to estimate parameters and time-dependent distortions were added to capture country-specific changes in trends of unmet need.

Is the unmet need for contraception related to contraceptive use?

For the most part, unmet need for contraception is inversely related to contraceptive use, although women’s desire for children also factors into the equation.

What is the unmet need for contraception in Latin America?

Married women across all age-groups have an unmet need for contraception (Table 3, page 16 and Figure 4, page 22). In the Latin American and the Caribbean countries with surveys, unmet need is highest among women aged 15–19, and it declines for each subsequent five-year age- group.

Which countries have the highest unmet need for contraception?

In the 52 countries studied, the proportion of married women aged 15–49 with an unmet need for a method of contraception (either modern or traditional) ranges from 8% in Colombia to 38% in Sao Tome & Principe ( Table 2 ). Unmet need is highest in countries such as Haiti, Ghana and Uganda, where the use of contraception is still very low.