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What is the world record tautog?

What is the world record tautog?

28 pounds, 13 ounces
World Record: 28 pounds, 13 ounces The world record tautog was caught in January of 2015 by Ken Westerfeld, from Queens, N.Y. In 2015, when monster tautog were seemingly being caught up and down the east coast, Westerfeld was able to land his record catch off the coast of Ocean City, Md.

What’s the largest fish ever caught?

Great White Shark
The Biggest Saltwater Fish Ever Caught was a 2,664 pound Great White Shark. The record was set in 1959 by Alfred Dean off the coast of Ceduna, Australia. What separates this enormous achievement from other world records is about 900 pounds of fish.

What is the world record Nile perch?

IGFA Representative Christopher Tan of Malaysia caught-and-released this incredible 146-centimeter Nile perch to set the new IGFA All-Tackle Length World Record. In early August 2019, Tan was casting a Halco Laser Pro 190 in Murchison Falls, Uganda, and landed the record fish after a 10-minute fight.

Who holds the most fishing world records?

Freshwater and Saltwater World Record Holders

Type of Fish Weight of Fish Fish Caught By
Alligator Gar 279lbs Bill Valverde
Atlantic Bigeye Tuna 392lbs 6oz Dieter Vogel
Atlantic Blue Marlin 1402lbs 2oz Paulo R.A. Amorim
Atlantic Bonito 18lbs 4oz D. Gama Higgs

What is the world record black sea bass?

It is estimated that the Giant Black Sea Bass is capable of growing to lengths of over 7 feet and weighing over 700 pounds. The largest species ever caught by a sport fisherman with rod and reel, weighing 563 pounds, was caught off of Anacapa Island in 1968.

What is the rarest fish in the world?

Red Handfish This unusual fish is so rare that conservationists thought it was extinct, but a diver discovered a small colony of handfish off the coast of Australia. There may be fewer than 100 of these fish left alive, making the red handfish one of the rarest fish in the world.

What is the largest fish ever caught on rod and reel?

His largest monster, a Great White Shark weighing 3,427 pounds, still remains the largest fish ever caught by rod and reel.

What is the smallest fish ever caught?

Smallest fish caught on rod and reel: Andy Pelphrey sets world record in Lawrence Co., KY, USA — Fishing with a rod and reel (a fishing pole), angler Andy Pelphrey, 28, caught a Blacknose Dace measuring 2.4 in. long.