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What is the vocabulary of global warming?

What is the vocabulary of global warming?

Global Warming – when more and more greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, they trap more and more heat near the Earth’s surface. As more heat is held within the Earth’s atmosphere, the temperature near the Earth’s surface gradually warms up. This is called global warming.

What is trapped in Antarctic ice?

The most important property of ice cores is that they are a direct archive of past atmospheric gasses. Air is trapped at the base of the firn layer, and when the compacted snow turns to ice, the air is trapped in bubbles.

What is the vocabulary for climate?

The climate is the general weather in a particular region. Florida is known for its temperate climate. The word climate is also used figuratively to mean “the usual conditions,” as in “It’s a favorable climate for school reform.”

What is the vocabulary of greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the process that’s making the Earth gradually warmer due to the release of gasses such as carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect is great for hothouse tomatoes, but not so great for the planet. In a greenhouse, sunlight enters and the heat is trapped inside.

What do air bubbles trapped in ice tell us?

By drilling down to a particular layer, the oxygen isotopes in a core sample’s air bubbles will tell you the global temperature for the time that the air was trapped in snowflakes. This temperature can then be compared with the air’s carbon dioxide content.

Why is global warming called anthropogenic?

A major component of anthropogenic climate change is global warming, which refers to a gradual warming of the earth caused by an unnatural (human-induced) increase of the greenhouse effect, as concentrations of greenhouse gases increase primarily from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas).

What are the 4 main effects of global warming?

Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.

What is global warming causes and effects?

Global warming is the phenomenon of gradual increase in the average temperature of earth . It is caused by the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc. into the atmosphere.

What is the vocabulary for atmosphere?

An atmosphere is a surrounding environment or influence. If you and your coworkers talk behind each other’s backs, you will create a nasty atmosphere at work. Atmosphere was coined by 17th-century scientists combining the Greek words for vapor, atmos, and sphere, sphaira.