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What is the uses of Basella alba?

What is the uses of Basella alba?

Basella alba is reported to improve testosterone levels in males, thus boosting libido. Decoction of the leaves is recommended as a safe laxative in pregnant women and children. Externally, the mucilaginous leaf is crushed and applied in urticaria, burns and scalds.

Can Basella alba be eaten raw?

The edible leaves (and shoots) of Basella alba resemble spinach with a mild, slightly peppery flavor with a hint of citrus and are used in the same way. The young leaves can be eaten raw mixed in a green salad, and steamed or boiled to be used like cooked spinach.

Is Basella edible?

Basella alba is an edible perennial vine in the family Basellaceae. It is found in tropical Asia and Africa where it is widely used as a leaf vegetable. It is native to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and New Guinea….Basella alba.

Malabar spinach
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Basellaceae
Genus: Basella
Species: B. alba

What are the health benefits of Malabar spinach?

It has a high amount of protein for a plant and is also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Another good reason to eat malabar spinach is that it has a good amount of antioxidants, particularly beta carotene and lutein, those naturally occurring chemicals that help keep your cells from aging.

Is Malabar spinach poisonous?

The Malabar spinach berry fruit stain can also be used as a natural food colouring and is non-toxic.

What are basella leaves?

Basella alba (Malabar spinach); field crop. Also known as pooi leaf, red vine spinach, creeping spinach or climbing spinach, is a perennial vine found in the tropics where it is widely used as a leaf vegetable. It is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed vine.

Is Malabar spinach safe to eat?

The leaves and shoots from Malabar spinach picking can be eaten fresh or cooked as spinach. The flavor is not as bitter as that of spinach, however, due to its lower levels of oxalic acid.

Can I eat Malabar spinach raw?

The succulent leaves and stem tips are rich in vitamins A and C and are a good source of iron and calcium. They may be eaten raw in salads, boiled, steamed, stir-fried, or added to soups, stews, tofu dishes, and curries.

Is Malabar spinach good for skin?

Rich in Vitamin A – Malabar spinach is rich source of Vitamin A. Food rich in Vitamin A is good for vision, improves immunity, maintains the health of mucus membrane and skin.

Can Malabar spinach cause kidney stones?

All members of this family contain oxalate crystals in their leaves which can cause problems with kidney stones when eaten raw.

What is another name for Basella alba?

In Asia, basella is identified with different names. Some of the common names for this herb are Ceylon spinach, Malabar spinach, saan choy (Chinese), mong toi (Vietnamese), alugbati (Philippines), Pui saag (Bengali), remayong (Malay), etc. Vine spinach. Note- Basella alba and B. rubra types; green and pink stems respectively.

Where does Basella alba grow best?

Basella alba grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates and in areas lower than 500 metres (1,600 ft) above sea level. The plant is native to tropical Asia. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields.

What causes leaf spot on Basella alba?

Yu G B, Wei J P, Guan Y F, Shao W J, Fu W L, Zhao Y F, Sheng Y Y, Yang D W, 2018. First report of leaf spot on Basella alba caused by Alternaria tenuissima in China.

What are the benefits of Leaf paste of Basella alba?

Leaf paste of Basella Alba is advantageous for treating Ulcers and Abscesses. Its fruit juice is used as a good herbal treatment for Conjunctivitis. Its leaf juice is a good herbal treatment for Catarrh.