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What is the use of chloroform to prepare lysate during phage isolation?

What is the use of chloroform to prepare lysate during phage isolation?

Chloroform is normally added to the phage isolation/purification step to get rid of bacteria. Afterwards it should be removed (e.g. by centrifugation) before using the phage preparation. Chloroform is not an essential step and it should be taken into account that it may inactivate other phages present in the bacteria.

What does chloroform do to phages?

With coli-phages chloroform treatment is generally used to kill any bacteria present and the filter-sterilisation step is sometimes omitted. Chloroform may inactivate some phages and should be used with caution and proper controls. Sodium azide can also be used for some phages.

How do you prepare phage lysate?


  1. Prepare overnight culture of permissive host.
  2. Dilute 1 mL of overnight culture into 10 mL fresh media (1:10 dilution) for each phage lysate.
  3. Grow these cultures for 30-60 min (OD ~0.2)
  4. Pick a plaque from a fresh overnight plate (for clonal lysate) or scrape frozen stock with a sterile toothpick or pipet tip.

Does chloroform lyse cells?

The chloroform is added for 15-20 min to lyse the cells thus releasing the virus particles to the medium.

What is the purpose of chloroform treatment in the isolation procedure?

A mixture of phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) is then added to promote the partitioning of lipids and cellular debris into the organic phase, leaving isolated DNA in the aqueous phase. Following centrifugation, the aqueous phase containing the purified DNA can be transferred to a clean tube for analysis.

What does chloroform do to bacteria?

Chloroform kills many nonspore-bearing bacteria with no important modification of their biochemical characteristics. The use of chloro- form in the preparation of bacterins therefore conserves their potency.

Why we put chloroform in the bacterial growth during bacteriophage isolation?

All Answers (5) If you add a drop of chloroform to the phage prep and shake it around that will kill many bacteria. Then you can add the phage prep to your indicator bacteria.

How do you add calcium chloride to phage buffer?

PROCEDURE: WORKING PHAGE BUFFER Sterilely add the 1 ml of 0.1 M CaCl2 to your 100 ml bottle of Phage Buffer. The final concentration of CaCl2 in the buffer should be 1 mM, and if you have smaller or larger bottles of Phage Buffer, the volume of CaCl2 to be added can be adjusted accordingly.

How do you make a phage buffer?

Phage Buffer

  1. Prepare 5M NaCl by dissolving 29.22g NaCl in 100ml Milli Q water and 0.2um filter solution into sterile container.
  2. Prepare 1M Tris-Cl, pH7.
  3. Prepare 1M MgSO4 by dissolving 12.3g MgSO4-7H2O in 50ml Milli Q water and filter sterilize through 0.2um filter into sterile container.

Why is chloroform used for extraction?

The main function of chloroform is to protect genomic DNA during a catastrophe. Chloroform increases the efficiency of phenol to denature the protein. Here, chloroform allows proper separation of the organic phase and aqueous phase and keeps DNA protected into the aqueous phase.

What does chloroform do to cells?

The damaging effect of chloroform has been attributed to its ability to modify the properties of the cell membrane lipid matrix. Intriguingly, experiments with model bilayers have shown that the influence of chloroform is modulated by the bilayer composition [2], [3].

What is chloroform used for?

Chloroform is used as a solvent, a substance that helps other substances dissolve. Also, it is used in the building, paper and board industries, and in pesticide and film production. It is used as a solvent for lacquers, floor polishes, resins, adhesives, alkaloids, fats, oils and rubber.