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What is the tangle meaning?

What is the tangle meaning?

1 : a matted, twisted mass : snarl. 2a : a complicated or confused state or condition. b : a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment. 3 : a serious altercation : dispute. 4 : neurofibrillary tangle.

What does tangle with someone mean?

to fight or argue with
Definition of tangle with informal. : to fight or argue with (someone or something) He’s not someone I would want to tangle with.

What type of word is tangles?

As detailed above, ‘tangle’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: I tried to sort through this tangle and got nowhere. Verb usage: Her hair was tangled from a day in the wind. Verb usage: Don’t tangle with someone three times your size.

What does in a giant tangle mean?

a confused or complicated mass of hairs, lines, fibres, etc, knotted or coiled together. a complicated problem, condition, or situation. verb. 3. to become or cause to become twisted together in a confused mass.

What is the synonym of tangle?

to twist (things, such as hair or fibres) together in a confused mass. a huge mass of hair, all tangled together. Synonyms. twist. knot.

How do you use tangle in a sentence?

twist together or entwine into a confusing mass.

  1. We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.
  2. He got into a tangle with his budget figures.
  3. The wool got in a fearful tangle.
  4. This string’s in a tangle.
  5. His financial affairs are in a tangle.
  6. The string was in a tangle.

What are the opposite words for Tangled?

antonyms for tangled

  • apparent.
  • clear.
  • obvious.
  • ordered.
  • organized.
  • simple.
  • unraveled.
  • untangled.

What is the antonym of the word tangled?

What is the opposite of tangled?

relaxed straight
separate untwisted
loose free

How do you use hoard in a sentence?

Hoard sentence example

  1. A large hoard of coins was found here in 1891.
  2. We may note at the outset the spirit of pessimism which, like the curse on the hoard , pervades the whole.
  3. A hoard of about 1,600 silver coins, found at Carditsa in 1914, was acquired by the National Museum of Athens.

What is meaning of enmesh?

to catch or entangle
Definition of enmesh transitive verb. : to catch or entangle in or as if in meshes deeply enmeshed in the plot.

What are synonyms of tangled?


  • interlaced,
  • intertwined,
  • intertwisted,
  • interwove.
  • (also interweaved),
  • knotted,
  • snarled.
  • What are the synonyms of the word tangle?


  • interlace,
  • intertwine,
  • intertwist,
  • interweave,
  • knot,
  • snarl.
  • What is the meaning of tangle?

    Kids Definition of tangle (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a mass that is twisted together and hard to straighten a tangle of yarn a tangle of branches. 2 : a complicated or confused state.

    What is tangilen?

    [Middle English tangilen, to involve in an embarrassing situation, variant of tagilen, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish dialectal taggla, to entangle .] n. Any of several large edible seaweeds, especially a kelp. [ Of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse thöngull, seaweed .]

    What is a tangle of blood vessels?

    A confused, intertwined mass: a tangle of blood vessels. A jumbled or confused state or condition: a tangle of conflicting reports. Informal An argument or altercation. [Middle English tangilen, to involve in an embarrassing situation, variant of tagilen, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish dialectal taggla, to entangle .]

    What does it mean to get tangled up in something?

    To involve in a complicated situation or in circumstances from which it is difficult to disengage: He got tangled up in a scheme to commit fraud. To be or become entangled. Informal To enter into argument, dispute, or conflict: tangled with the law. A confused, intertwined mass: a tangle of blood vessels.