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What is the synonym of abstemious?

What is the synonym of abstemious?

Find another word for abstemious. In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for abstemious, like: temperate, moderate, continent, abstinent, sober, ascetic, austere, frugal, self-denying, sparing and straitlaced.

What is the meaning of word abstemious?

Definition of abstemious formal. : marked by restraint especially in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol an abstemious drinker also : reflecting such restraint an abstemious diet.

What are the antonyms of abstemious?

antonyms for abstemious

  • gluttonous.
  • greedy.
  • hungry.

What is the synonym of embroil?

Synonyms for embroil. bog (down), broil, embrangle, mire.

How do you use abstemious in a sentence?

We have been extraordinarily abstemious. We were very abstemious—teetotallers and non-smokers. This was partly possible because of his abstemious habits, eschewing both tobacco and strong drink.

What is the synonym of infringe?

Some common synonyms of infringe are encroach, invade, and trespass. While all these words mean “to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another,” infringe implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative. infringing a copyright.

What is abstemious in a sentence?

In his habits he was very active and extremely abstemious, eating little and drinking nothing but water, customs to which he attributed his good health. These abstemious habits, he explained helped him in concentrating on his reading and writing.

How do you use the word abstemious in a sentence?

We have been extraordinarily abstemious. We were very abstemious—teetotallers and non-smokers. This was partly possible because of his abstemious habits, eschewing both tobacco and strong drink. The pair’s increasingly erratic behavior distressed their more abstemious father, and the worry weakened him.

What is the opposite of embroil?

Antonyms. push exhale stay in place dissuade unsnarl untwist disentangle.

What is the meaning of the word embroil?

to throw into disorder or confusion
Definition of embroil transitive verb. 1 : to throw into disorder or confusion. 2 : to involve in conflict or difficulties embroiled in controversy. Other Words from embroil Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About embroil.

How do you use abut in a sentence?

Abut sentence example

  1. Both ranges abut at their eastern or E.N.E.
  2. Many of the employment areas in the Boro directly abut residential areas.
  3. Most abut the water and some offer private docks.

What is Censurable?

Definition of censurable : deserving or open to censure censurable behavior.