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What is the structural formula of Cl2?

What is the structural formula of Cl2?

Cl2Dichlorine / Formula

How many bonds and lone pairs does Cl2 have?

In the Lewis structure for the chlorine molecule, Cl2, there is a single bonding pair located between the Cl atoms and a total of six (6) lone pairs distributed equally around the Cl atoms.

Is Cl2 linear in shape?

For Cl2, there is one side atom. Thus, there are three non-bonding pairs of electrons and one bonding pair of electrons. Using this information, we can predict geometry and shape using the following table. Electron geometry is tetrahedral, and the shape is linear.

Is Cl2 Lewis base?

2 Answers. Monzur R. Cl− is a Lewis base because it donates a nonbonding electron pair.

What type of bond is Cl2 polar or nonpolar?

Cl2 (Chlorine) is nonpolar in nature because of its linear symmetrical shape and it consists of two chlorine atoms having equal electronegativity. As a result, both atoms have equal charge distribution on them, and the molecule results in zero dipole moment that makes the chlorine molecule nonpolar.

Is chlorine Cl or Cl2?

Yes, chlorine gas is Cl2. There are 7 diatomic molecules (H,O,N,Cl,Br,I,F), so whenever these are gases or “exist naturally”, you should use the subscript 2.

What type of bond is Cl2?

covalent bonds
In covalent bonds, like chlorine gas (Cl2), both atoms share and hold tightly onto each other’s electrons.

How many bonds is Cl2?

There is one bonding pair in Cl2, which lies in the region of overlap of the two octet circles. pairs are called lone pairs. The two atoms have identical electronegativities, so the Cl–Cl bond is a nonpolar covalent bond.

What type of bond is formed in a Cl2 molecule?

covalent bond
The chlorine molecule (Cl2) is known to feature a covalent bond between the 2 chlorine atoms because the two shared electrons fill the outer p orbitals of each of the chlorine atoms.

How many bond are there in Cl2?

one bonding pair
There is one bonding pair in Cl2, which lies in the region of overlap of the two octet circles. pairs are called lone pairs. The two atoms have identical electronegativities, so the Cl–Cl bond is a nonpolar covalent bond.

How many valence electrons does Cl2?

Answer and Explanation: Each Cl atom in the Cl2 molecule provides seven valence electrons, giving a total of 14 valence electrons.