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What is the strongest weapon in Destiny?

What is the strongest weapon in Destiny?

Destiny 2: Top 5 PvE weapons

  1. Osteo Striga (Exotic Submachine Gun)
  2. Outbreak Perfected (Exotic Pulse Rifle)
  3. Funnelweb (Void Submachine Gun)
  4. Enigma (Void Glaive)
  5. Gjallarhorn (Solar Rocket Launcher)

What are the best Destiny 2 weapons?

Top 20 PvE Weapons

  • Gjallarhorn (Solar Rocket Launcher)
  • Funnelweb (Void SMG)
  • Palmyra-B (Stasis Rocket Launcher)
  • Witherhoard (Kinetic Grenade Launcher)
  • Submission (Kinetic Submachine Gun)
  • Forbearance (Arc Grenade Launcher)
  • Krait (Stasis Auto Rifle)
  • Piece of Mind (Kinetic Pulse Rifle)

What is the most overpowered weapon in Destiny 2?

My ultimate pick for the most overpowered weapon in Destiny history is not even an exotic. It’s Destiny 2’s The Mountaintop, the pinnacle breach grenade launcher.

What is the hardest gun to get in Destiny 2?

Redrix’s Claymore, the hardest to get weapon in Destiny 2. But, it’s pretty rare, because it’s so hard to obtain. To get it, you need to reach the “Fabled” Glory rank in competitive Crucible.

What are the best legendary weapons in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2: 10 Best Legendary Weapons In Witch Queen

  • Krait. Ever since stasis weapons were officially introduced to the legendary pool last season, the desirability for kinetic weapons has been reinvigorated.
  • Deliverance.
  • Forbearance.
  • The Enigma.
  • Thoughtless.
  • Aisha’s Embrace.
  • Palmyra-B.
  • Razor’s Edge.

Why is Gjallarhorn so good?

Its ability to shoot rockets that would then “splinter” into smaller, homing rockets made it one of the more unique items in its class during the early days of the game.

Is Izanagi burden still good?

Izanagi’s Burden is a very popular weapon among the fanbase in Destiny 2. Even after last year’s nerf, the sniper rifle still serves as a staple in many Gambit matches thanks to its boss-killing potential. The ability to one-hit kill Invaders with a body shot is also a nice touch.