What is the story behind Santiago de Compostela?
The name Santiago goes back to the Apostle James (Saint James = Santiago) who went to this most north-western part of Spain, called by the Romans “Finis Terrae”, “end of the world”, to preach and convert people to Christianity.
Why is Santiago de Compostela so important?
The Santiago de Compostela Cathedral is one of the most important religious structures in the whole of Spain, particularly because it marks the end of the 790 kilometres (490 miles) that make up the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route.
When was Santiago de Compostela established?
Santiago de Compostela was originally founded by the Suebi in the early 400s, as part of the collapse of the Roman Empire. In 550 the whole settlement together with the rest of Galicia and northern Portugal was incorporated by Leovigild into the Visigothic kingdom of Spain.
Who founded Santiago de Compostela?
The Legend of Saint James James, son of Zebedee and brother of John the Evangelist, was discovered in a field in Galicia by a shepherd named Pelayo in the 9th century, during the reign of King Alfonso II. Saint James is the namesake of the Camino de Santiago, which translates to English as the Way of Saint James.
What is the legend of Santiago?
This story is said to have taken place in the 14th century. Hugonell, a young German man who was making the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela with his parents, stayed the night at an inn along the Camino. A young woman fell in love with him and hoped he would be interested in her, but he turned her away.
What does the word Compostela mean?
(Spanish de kɔmpɔsˈtela ) noun. a city in NW Spain: place of pilgrimage since the 9th century and the most visited (after Jerusalem and Rome) in the Middle Ages; cathedral built over the tomb of the apostle St James.
What is the significance of the shell in Santiago de Compostela?
The scallop shell is said to be a metaphor, its lines representing the different routes pilgrims travel from all over the world, all walking trails leading to one point: the tomb of Saint James in Santiago de Compostela.
What does the name Santiago mean?
Saint James
It means “Saint James,” after the Saint James the Great, who is said to have visited and been buried in the Iberian Peninsula. Santiago is now the patron saint of Spain, which could account for the name’s continued popularity.
What does the name Santiago mean in the Bible?
The name Santiago is of Hebrew and Spanish origin and means “supplanter.” It is also of Latin origin and translates to Saint James. Santiago is derived from Spanish santo (saint) combined with Yago (an old Spanish form of James).
Who was Santiago in The Alchemist?
Santiago, a shepherd boy from a small Andalusian town, is the protagonist of The Alchemist. He is determined, headstrong, and curious to learn all he can about the world.
Why do pilgrims carry a shell?
Just like in the medieval era, many pilgrims wear the Scallop Shell around their necks or attached to their back to make it easier to be identified as a pilgrim and provide reassurance that they are still on the right path.
What does Compostela mean in the Camino?
The compostela is a certificate of accomplishment given to pilgrims on completing the Way.