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What is the speed limit of I-235 in Iowa?

What is the speed limit of I-235 in Iowa?

60 miles per hour
Based on current traffic patterns and volumes on I-235, added capacity, improved interchanges and roadway geometrics, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has determined traffic can safely travel 60 miles per hour on either end of I-235.

What is the mixmaster in Des Moines?

DES MOINES, Iowa — The East Mixmaster is located where I-235, Interstate 35 and Interstate 80 meet just north of downtown. The $56 million project is designed to make the area safer by changing the way over 160,000 commuters drive through it each day.

Where are the speed cameras on 235 in Des Moines?

There are four cameras, one in each lane of the interstate near 56th Street and Polk Boulevard. Anyone going 11-mph over the 60-mph speed limit will be issued a citation.

Do I have to pay speed camera tickets Iowa?

The justices found that speed cameras along highways, interstates and city roads do not violate a driver’s due process rights. The fines are small, and there is no use of physical force when someone is ticketed, plus the speed traps don’t infringe on someone’s fundamental rights to travel, the court ruled.

When was i235 built?

December 14, 1961Interstate 235 / Constructed

Do you have to pay speeding tickets from a camera in Iowa?

Speed cameras generate tickets automatically if they sense a driver going over the speed limit. But are speed cameras even legal? Our source: A January 2019 Iowa Supreme Court decision. The justices found that speed cameras along highways, interstates and city roads do not violate a driver’s due process rights.

How do I beat a camera speeding ticket in Iowa?

People who have received citations from an automated traffic enforcement camera, either for speeding or running a red light, appeal to an administrative judge. “That way you’re making your argument in front of an independent hearing officer,” Des Moines Police Capt. Todd Dykstra said.

When was i235 built in Des Moines?

Do you have to pay camera speeding tickets in Iowa?

How much is a speed camera ticket in Iowa?

Vehicles travelling at least 71 mph in that 60 mph zone will trigger a ticket from the camera. $65 for speed violations between 11 to 15 mph over the posted speed limit; $75 for speed violations 16 to 20 mph over; $80, plus $2 for every mph 21 mph over the speed limit.