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What is the scare off effect quizlet?

What is the scare off effect quizlet?

“Scare-Off” Effect. -the ability of the office holder to fend off challenges from strong opposition candidates, something scholars refer to as the “scare-Off” effect. (

What notable event was a turning point in the evolution of broadcast media and its effect on people’s perception of the news quizlet?

Radios were utilized for his “Fireside Chats” which allowed the public to feel a closer connection. Watergate was the turning point marking the beginning of reports on personal lives.

What are the four advantages incumbents have over their opponents in congressional elections?

AP Gov Ch 12

Question Answer
List and explain five advantages incumbents have over their opponents in congressional elections. 1. Advertising 2. Credit claiming 3. Position taking 4. Weak opponents 5. Campaign Spending

What causes incumbents to lose quizlet?

2)Incumbents may lose supporters if the boundaries of their districts change. An incumbent would have to fight against another incumbent, or it might split the district of an incumbent’s of a minority party to make that district more competitive.

Which of the following is a minor party that was formed to oppose desegregation quizlet?

Which of the following is a minor party that was formed to oppose desegregation? The American Independent Party.

Why might being civically engaged make you more likely to vote quizlet?

why might being civically engaged make you more likely to vote? Civic organizations provide opportunities to learn important skills that are relevant for politics. a referendum is a mechanism allowing voters to enact public policy directly.

What three factors determine the likelihood of being persuaded by the media?

source characteristics.

  • message characteristics.
  • audience characteristics.
  • Why incumbents have the advantage in elections?

    For most political offices, the incumbent often has more name recognition due to their previous work in the office. Incumbents also have easier access to campaign finance, as well as government resources (such as the franking privilege) that can be indirectly used to boost the incumbent’s re-election campaign.

    What is incumbency advantage quizlet?

    The incumbency advantage is the advantage that the incumbent (individual currently holding office) candidate has over the challenger candidate. The advantage that accrues to the incumbent beyond party because of. actions the incumbent has taken [personal vote]

    Why do incumbents rarely lose reelection quizlet?

    Why do incumbents often win re-election? Several factors make it more likely that someone already in office will be returned to that office in a reelection bid: Stronger name recognition: Having run for election before and served in government, incumbents tend to be better known than challengers are.

    Why do incumbents have an advantage in elections AP Gov?

    Another advantage that incumbent’s have is that through position-taking their constituent’s learn about the character of the incumbent. Most opponents who run against an incumbent tend to be weak and aren’t a risk, plus incumbents have more money put towards their campaign thanks to PACs than their opponents.