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What is the relation between drift velocity and electric field?

What is the relation between drift velocity and electric field?

Therefore the term eτme is constant which is called mobility of electrons in the conductor. We denote it by μ . Therefore the mobility is defined as the ratio of the drift velocity and the electric field. If we keep the electric field constant then we can say that μ∝vd .

What happens to the carrier drift velocity at high electric fields?

As the electric field increases, more order is introduced in the system and hence the drift velocity increases.

Why is drift velocity opposite to electric field?

Answer. Before the presence of electric field, the free electrons move randomly in the conductor, so their drift velocity is zero and therefore there is no current in the conductor. In the presence of electric field, each electron in the conductor experience a force in a direction opposite to the electric field.

Is drift velocity in the same direction as electric field?

in a current-carrying conductor, the charges (electrons) do not all flow in the same direction. In fact, in most cases the movement of the electrons is almost random, with a small net velocity, the drift velocity, in the direction opposite to the electric field.

Why is drift velocity constant on increasing electric field?

As the electrons move, they collide with atoms in the material and this is known as the scattering effect. Therefore they face some resistance in their motion. This resistance leads to the electrons reaching a terminal velocity which is a constant value.

How is drift velocity related to mobility and mean free path?

Usually, the electron drift velocity in a material is directly proportional to the electric field, which means that the electron mobility is a constant (independent of the electric field). When this is not true (for example, in very large electric fields), mobility depends on the electric field.

Which of the following is the ratio of drift velocity concerning the electric field?

The ratio of the drift velocity to the magnitude of electric field in a conductor is equal to the mobility of the electrons. So option 2 is correct. The property of a material to resist the electric current is called resistivity of the material.

Is drift velocity and drift speed same?

Drift velocity is the average velocity with which electrons ‘drift’ in the presence of an electric field. It’s the drift velocity (or drift speed) that contributes to the electric current. In contrast, thermal velocity causes random motion resulting in collisions with metal ions.

What is the difference between drift velocity and thermal velocity?

The drift velocity is the net velocity of electrons in a certain direction under an applied field. The thermal velocity is has no net direction because it is randomly distributed and occurs in any metal at finite temperatures.

What does electric field depend on?

The electric field strength is dependent upon the quantity of charge on the source charge (Q) and the distance of separation (d) from the source charge.

Does drift velocity remain constant?

For a given amount of charge per unit volume, the drift velocity V is proportional to the current density, or I/A. Since for a fixed voltage if A increases I increases and if A decreases I decreases, the drift velocity remains constant.