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What is the Reichert Meissl value of oil?

What is the Reichert Meissl value of oil?

The Reichert value is an indicator of how much volatile fatty acid can be extracted from fat through saponification. It is equal to the number of ml of 0.1 normal hydroxide solution necessary for the neutralization of the water-soluble volatile fatty acids distilled and filtered from 5 grams of a given saponified fat.

What is the RM value for pure coconut oil?

Admixing of soybean oil and coconut oil in different ratios showed the RM value from 1.57 ± 0.09 to 4.14 ± 0.21, whereas incorporation of hydrogenated vegetable oils and tallow showed 6.36 ± 0.03 to 14.10 ± 0.14.

What is the saponification value of coconut oil?

6.3. 2 Saponification number

Oil SN
Castor 176–187
Coconut 242–263
Corn 187–196
Cottonseed 190–207

What is Reichert Missel value?

Medical Definition of Reichert-Meissl number : a Reichert value expressed as the milliliters of tenth-normal alkali required to neutralize the acids obtained from five grams of fat by a specified method of saponification and distillation. — called also Reichert-Meissl value.

What is Reichert Meissl value of ghee?

The highest Reichert-Meissl value was 31.11 was and the lowest Reichert-Meissl value was 0.23 in all samples analyzed.

How do you calculate RM value?

27.5 CALCULATION Reichert-Meissl value = (A – B ) × N × 11 Polenske value = 10 ×V×N where, A = volume, in ml, of NaOH solution required for the test, B = volume, in ml, of NaOH solution required for blank, and N = normality of NaOH solution.

What is RM value of ghee?

RM value for pure cow ghee ranged from 28.60 to 30.36 with an average of 29.50, whereas that for pure buffalo ghee ranged from 31.46 to 34.98 with an average of 33.30.

Does coconut oil expire?

Coconut oil has a long shelf life, but it is perishable and will go bad. You can prolong the shelf life of coconut oil by storing it properly in an airtight container in a cool place. Only use coconut oil if you’re sure it hasn’t become rancid. Discard expired coconut oil immediately.

What is saponified coconut oil?

SAPONIFIED COCOS NUCIFERA (COCONUT) OIL and SAPONIFIED COCOS NUCIFERA OIL. Saponified oil or fat is a lipid substance treated with sodium or patassium hydroxide to convert it into soap.

Which oil has highest saponification value?

Saponification Chart

Lipids SAP NAOH (oz.)
High Linoleic Safflower Oil 180 – 195 0.134
Illipe Butter 188 – 200 0.138
Jojoba Oil, Golden, Organic 86 – 96 0.065
Jojoba Oil, Natural 85 – 98 0.066

What is RM in pure ghee?

Reichert Meissl (RM) value is substantially a measure of the. lower chain fatty acids of ghee i.e. butyric (4:0) and caproic. (6:0). The value of milk fat ranges from 17-35, which is well. above all other fats and oils.

Why we check RM value of ghee?

These values were within the range of the standard RM value for pure ghee (Table 2). RM value indicates whether the ghee is prepared from milk fat or not [15]. It can be said that the branded industries tried to make ghee from milk fat. Local samples’ RM value varied significantly.

What is the Reichert-Meissl value?

The value is named for the chemists who developed it, Emil Reichert and Emerich Meissl. The Polenske value and Kirschner value are related numbers based on similar tests.

What is the rechert-Meissel value in milk?

This number is a useful indicator of non-fat compounds in edible fats, and is especially high in butter. The value is named for the chemists who developed it, Emil Reichert and Emerich Meissl. The Polenske value and Kirschner value are related numbers based on similar tests. Values of rechert-meissel in milk are 28.5-33.

What is Reichert value in nutrition?

Reichert value. The Reichert value (or more fully, the Reichert-Meissl-Wollny value or Reichert-Meissl-Wollny number) is a value determined when examining fat.

What is the Reichert value for volatile fatty acids?

The Reichert value is an indicator of how much volatile fatty acid can be extracted from fat through saponification. It is equal to the number of ml of 0.1 normal hydroxide solution necessary for the neutralization of the water-soluble volatile fatty acids distilled and filtered from 5 grams of a given saponified fat.