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What is the rate of 1kd in Indian rupees today?

What is the rate of 1kd in Indian rupees today?

Kuwaiti Dinar to Rupee Exchange Rate Today, Live 1 KWD to INR = 253.564 (Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Rupees)

How many branches does Al Muzaini have?

We have 118 branches spread through out Kuwait.

What is the currency of Kuwait today?

Kuwaiti dinarKuwait / CurrencyThe Kuwaiti dinar is the currency of Kuwait. It is sub-divided into 1,000 fils.
As of 2021, the Kuwaiti dinar is the strongest circulating currency, with KD 1 equalling US$3.32, just ahead of the Bahraini dinar with BD 1 equalling US$2.65. Wikipedia

What is the currency of India today?

Indian rupeeIndia / CurrencyThe Indian rupee is the official currency of India. The rupee is subdivided into 100 paise, though as of 2019, coins of denomination of 1 rupee is the lowest value in use. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the Reserve Bank of India. Wikipedia

Which country uses KWD?

KuwaitKuwaiti dinar / Official users

Is Western Union available in Kuwait?

How to Send Money with the Western Union® Kuwait App. Send money with the Western Union® app with just a few taps. Send straight to bank accounts or for cash pickup around the world right from your mobile device.

How can I go to Kuwait from India?

Yes, all Indian passport holders require a visit to visit Kuwait. Indians are eligible for an eVisa. The electronic visa system (eVisa) will allow foreign citizens to receive Kuwait visa online, relieving them from necessity of applying for the visa at the Embassy.

What is the gold rate in Kuwait?

Depending upon the purity the Gold Price in Kuwait is set in Kuwaiti dinar (KWD)….Today Gold Rate/Price per Gram in Kuwait (KWD)

Gold Unit قيراط Gold Price in Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) سعر تكلفة البيع بالتجزئة
1 Gram 24K 18.400 KWD
1 Gram 22K 17.750 KWD
1 Gram 21K 16.080 KWD
1 Gram 18K 13.783 KWD

Which currency is highest in India?


Sr.No. Highest Currencies in the World In INR (24th Dec’21)
4 Jordanian Dinar 105.83 INR
3 Omani Rial 194.89 INR
2 Bahraini Dinar 199.02 INR
1 Kuwaiti Dinar 248.00 INR

What is the salary of an Indian working in Kuwait?

Indian labour working in Kuwait is getting a minimum salary of about KD 140/- that makes around 31666.835 INR. If you are working with a company covering all other government fees like Civil ID & Insurance, then it just fine, but you will be hand to mouth there. Engineers and other professionals are getting much higher salaries, though.

Is Al muzaini 2nd Branch now open?

Avenues 2nd branch is now open is phase 4 Converting… Disclaimer: The exchange rates shown are indicative rates please contact or visit a nearest AL Muzaini branch in order to obtain the actual rates available at time of exchange.

How much is Kuwait 1KD in Indian currency?

Before sending money back home, first confirm the Kuwait currency rate today in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines. In the above converter, you can see Kuwait 1kd Indian currency and other countries easily. 1 KWD = 3.30 USD. There are several ways to send money from Kuwait to India, as I have mentioned below; Why will I choose Al Mulla Exchange?

What is the exchange rate for Kuwaiti dinar?

Currency Exchange Rate. Sell Cash Rate. 1 KWD. KWD – Kuwaiti Dinar. 1 KWD = 224.5677. =. 224.5677 INR. INR – Indian Rupee. 1 INR = 0.0045.