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What is the purpose of the fire blanket in the lab?

What is the purpose of the fire blanket in the lab?

A fire blanket is a versatile safety aid. It is used primarily as a first aid measure for prevention of shock rather than as a fire extinguisher for burning or smoldering clothes. It is also useful to contain and control chemical spills in the laboratory. The fire blanket is a one-use safety aid.

What element does the fire blanket remove?

Fire blankets, for example, suppress a fire, removing the oxygen and, as a result, putting it out. Similarly, fire extinguishers are developed to eliminate one of the three elements – such as water fire extinguishers which cool the fire down and remove any heat.

Where should a fire blanket be located?

Fire blankets should be placed in the room/ area where a potential fire may occur. Fires can spread very quickly so the placing for fire blankets is crucial. They should be fixed or placed in an easily accessible position where the breakout of fire won’t prevent access to them.

How does fire blanket work?

A fire blanket is made from woven glass fibre fabric and a layer of fire retardant film. Fire blankets are powerful pieces of equipment which work by cutting off the oxygen supply of a fire, thereby starving it of one of the three crucial elements it needs to survive and ultimately extinguishing it.

How many types of fire blankets are there?

Class A caused by combustible materials including paper, fabric, wood and other flammable solids. Class B caused by flammable liquids such as paint, turpentine or petrol among others. Class C caused by flammable gases including methane, butane or hydrogen among others.

What chemical is in a fire blanket?

Larger fire blankets, for use in laboratory and industrial situations, are often made of wool — sometimes treated with a flame retardant chemical such as hexafluorozirconate and zirconium acetate.

What height do you hang a fire blanket?

6.4. 3 Requires the mounting height at 2.0m above the floor area and visually acuity when approaching the fire blanket.

How high should a fire blanket be mounted?

Fire Blankets should be mounted so as to position the hand hold device approximately 1.5 m from the floor.

How do you use a fire blanket step by step?

Fire blankets Walk slowly towards the fire and stretch out your arms in front of you. As the blanket touches the top of the stove, place it over the fire. Leave the blanket over the pot for at least thirty minutes. If it’s safe to do so, turn off the gas/electricity at the stove or at the main supply.

How many times can a fire blanket be used?

The answer is No. Fire blankets are an emergency measure and they are not designed or made for reuse. A fire blanket should always be properly disposed of after use and immediately replaced.

What is a Type D fire?

Class D. Class D fires involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, and sodium. Extinguishers with a D rating are designed to extinguish fires involving combustible metals.