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What is the nasal Planum dog?

What is the nasal Planum dog?

The nasal plane is the first and hairless part of the nose of dogs and cats, and is covered with thick keratinized epidermis. It includes the nostrils or nares, which are separated from each other by a groove or philtrum.

What is the Planum Nasale?

Nasal plane – Planum nasale The nasal planum is the pigmented, hairless, rostralmost surface of the external nose. In Cats, Dogs, Pigs and Sheep, the top of the nose is called the nasal plane (Planum nasale).

How many sinuses do dogs have?

(From Evans HE, de Lahunta A: Miller’s anatomy of the dog, ed 4, St Louis, 2013, Saunders/Elsevier.) There are three paranasal sinuses: the maxillary recess, sphenoidal sinus, and frontal sinus.

What are the sinuses in a dog?

Your dog’s sinuses are located in the nasal cavity. When the lining of the passages located in the nasal cavity become inflamed, your dog has a sinus infection.

What is the planum of the nose?

The nasal planum is the pigmented, hairless, rostralmost surface of the external nose. The philtrum is the midsagittal external crease in the nasal planum. The nasal openings are referred to as nares or nostrils and open into the nasal vestibule (Figure 99-1). 46, 76

What are the signs and symptoms of nasal planum disease?

The nasal planum is affected by numerous pathologies. Clinically, animals may present with ulceration, nasal discharge, a mass lesion, or depigmentation.

Why does my dog have a moist nasal planum?

The moist appearance of the nasal planum in healthy dogs is primarily a function of secretions from the paired lateral nasal glands. The precise stimulus for and function of these secretions are not known.

What structures are present in the lamina propria of the nose?

The olfactory axons and olfactory glands are present in the lamina propria. The first part of the nasal cavity, from the nostrils, is lined by keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. Sebaceous glands and hairs are also present in this region. The hairs function to keep dust out of the nasal cavity.