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What is the meaning of looking stoned?

What is the meaning of looking stoned?

1 : drunk sense 1a. 2 : being under the influence of a drug (such as marijuana) taken especially for pleasure : high.

Why do I have a stone face?

You see, one symptom of Parkinson’s disease is facial masking, or what the Parkinson’s community refers to as a “masked” or “stone” face. Due to muscle stiffness and slowness in the face, patients such as Worsfold can appear disinterested, angry, sad, or void of any expression altogether.

How do you use stone-faced in a sentence?

Nichols sat stone-faced, dressed in a sport coat and blue shirt. 2. Gore appeared stone-faced and unwilling to toast as Li raised his glass.

What does faces mean in slang?

As a slang term, face has many senses. It can be a shortened form of the common retort, in your face! It can also refer to oral sex, or consuming something (like food or weed) quickly. In drag culture, serving or giving face is slang for delivering a powerful, fierce look.

What is another word for stoned?

What is another word for stoned?

high wasted
dazed euphoric
geeked reeling
zonked-out spaced-out
hopped-up strung out

What does stoned mean in UK?

Meaning of stoned in English experiencing the effects of a drug, such as cannabis: They spent the evening getting stoned.

Why do I have an emotionless face?

Flat affect is a condition that causes people to not express emotions in the same way other people might. For example, when a person without flat affect is happy, they may smile brightly or in some other way show that they’re pleased. A person with flat affect shows no facial expressions.

What are the rocks with faces called?

Take mimetoliths. “A mimetolith is a natural rock feature that resembles a living form in nature — usually a face a human head, or animal,” geologist Sharon Hill, owner of writes via email. “The word was coined by Thomas Orzo MacAdoo but first appeared in print from R. V. Dietrich in 1989.

How do you use green eyes?

1 He knew that IsabelIa was a fair-skinned, green-eyed, red-haired woman of the best bloodline. 2 I shone in the reflection of her green-eyed, black-haired, gypsy beauty. 3 And after another sleepless night, the green-eyed woman took her to the commanding officer. 4 I do not like those green-eyed guys.

What does this mean :*?

Summary of Key Points. “Kiss” is the most common definition for :* on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. :* Definition: Kiss.

What does Smth mean?

SMTH is short for something. It’s one of many words that have been shortened from texting, similar to brb for “be right back” and ty for “thank you.”

How do you say I’m stoned?

23 Ways to say you’re High

  1. Stoned.
  2. Baked.
  3. Ripped.
  4. Toast.
  5. Higher than a bats ass.
  6. Baked beans.
  7. Putting on a green sweater.
  8. Faded.

What does it mean to be stone-faced?

Definition of stone-faced : showing no emotion : expressionless First Known Use of stone-faced 1876, in the meaning defined above

What is stone-faced Gossamer?

Someone who looks like they are serious but they have nothing in their head, and are in fact a blank state. They look like they know something but don’t. Would you prefer me to a be a happy go lucky person, or a stone-faced gossamer staring blankly into the abyss.

How do you play Stoneface?

Stoneface is a game played with one female, a group of males, and a table. The female positions herself under the table. The males sit around the same table. The female then performs oral sex on one of the males. The object of the game is for the males to guess who is receiving oral sex.

What is stone faces neck gaiter and mug?

Get the stone faces neck gaiter and mug. see that dumb kangaroo has such a stupid stoned face. Get the stoned face neck gaiter and mug. Someone who looks like they are serious but they have nothing in their head, and are in fact a blank state.