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What is the meaning of I ever met?

What is the meaning of I ever met?

“I have ever met” implies that she is the coolest person you have ever met until now. You haven’t met someone that cool in the past. “You ever met” implies a past action and might not be a good fit for your case and may not even sound correct to some people.

Did you ever meet or met?

Thus, you use ‘meet’, which is infinitive without ‘to’, and not ‘met’. A few words about usage of these sentences. Personally I consider the first one is more correct. We have the word ‘ever’, so I would use Present Perfect here (‘Have we ever met?’)

Is Met correct?

Let us take a closer look at meet and met to find out the difference and the correct usage. Met is the past tense of meet. You use meet when you are talking of present or future events.

Would have met you meaning?

I wish I could have met you = I wish I had been able to meet you​ I wish I had met you = I wish we had actually met up​

Is it meet or met?

The difference between “meet” and “met” is that “meet” is an irregular verb that means to come together formally to discuss something. “Met” is simply the past tense or past participle form of the verb. The form the verb takes will depend on when the meeting occurred and whether it is an ongoing event.

Who or whom I have ever met?

Who is used as the subject of a sentence or clause. Whom is used as the object of a preposition and as a direct object. In your sentence, the pronoun would refer to the direct object, so to be correct, you should say, “The boy whom I met at the party.”

Have ever known meaning?

By using the word “ever”, it implies of all the people we know in our life, she/ he is the best you have known, of all the time, in all the time that has past (i.e. past tense); and it is appropriate to say “best person that I have ever known.”, or alternatively, “best person I know.”

How do you use met in a sentence?

[M] [T] She might have met him yesterday. [M] [T] I met an old man near the station. [M] [T] Tom met Mary on his way to school. [M] [T] I forgot that I met her last month.

How do you use the word met?

[M] [T] Since I had met him once before, I recognized him right away. [M] [T] I met someone the other day that I think I could fall in love with. [M] [T] She denied having met him even though we saw them talking to each other. [M] [T] I met an old man who says that he’s never eaten at a restaurant in his whole life.

Would have met or meet?

“to meet” refers to the bare event of “meeting”, which was in the past, hence “happened to meet”. “to have met” refers to the state of “having met”, which is a present state, hence “happen to have met”.

Should have meet or met?

What does I have ever met her mean?

4 Answers. “I have ever met” implies that she is the coolest person you have ever met until now. You haven’t met someone that cool in the past. “You ever met” implies a past action and might not be a good fit for your case and may not even sound correct to some people. She was the coolest person I’d ever met.

Is it correct to say you ever met with someone?

“You ever met” implies a past action and might not be a good fit for your case and may not even sound correct to some people. For a past thing, I would say something like:

What does I have ever met the coolest person mean?

“I have ever met” implies that she is the coolest person you have ever met until now. You haven’t met someone that cool in the past. “You ever met” implies a past action and might not be a good fit for your case and may not even sound correct to some people. For a past thing, I would say something like: She was the coolest person I’d ever met.