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What is the main idea of Zitkala-Sa?

What is the main idea of Zitkala-Sa?

Zitkala-Sa as “the Representative Indian” The despondency and isolation Zitkala-Sa felt at the school as an outsider among white people and her urges of rebellion and revenge represent the despair and anger of all Native Americans under white oppression in her time.

What is the great spirit by Zitkala-Sa about?

The Great Spirit is one of the key pieces that I am using in the paper to show Zitkala-Sa’s stance on assimilation. It shows how she struggled between the two cultures, and also how she felt about Native American’s forgetting their native culture. Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons.

How does Zitkala-Sa advance her message?

Zitkala-Sa advances her message by explaining how she feels when the adults were forcing her to do the things they made them do. The point of view of this story is a first person narration about an Indian girl’s troubles in a boarding school.

What happened to Zitkala?

Zitkála-Šá died on January 26, 1938, in Washington, D.C., at the age of sixty-one. She is buried as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin in Arlington National Cemetery with her husband Raymond. In the late 20th century, the University of Nebraska reissued many of her writings on Native American culture.

How does Zitkala-Sa’s use of scrutinized help to convey her point of view toward her experience on the train?

Ask: “How does Zitkala-Sa’s use of scrutinized help to convey her point of view toward her experience on the train?” (The use of this word suggests that Zitkala-Sa understands that she is being judged in a disapproving fashion by the white people on the train, and she feels very different from those people.)

How did Zitkala-Sa try to hide herself from the others in the school?

Expert-verified answer When Zitkala Sa knew that the authorities were cutting her hair, she decided to struggle. She escaped quietly upstairs and entered into a dim large room duly covered with curtains. She opposed, cried, argued and went on shaking her head but they cut off her thick braids.

Why I am a pagan Zitkala summary?

Zitkala-Ša describes the godliness in the interconnected natural world around her that leaves her experiences with Christianity pale in comparison. The description is a reflection of the Lakota belief that everything is interrelated (mitakuye oyasin).

When was Zitkala SA American Indian stories published?

1921American Indian Stories / Originally published
Her autobiographical work and fictional pieces were published in the Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, and Everybody’s Magazine between 1900 and 1902. These articles were later published in 1921 as the collection entitled American Indian Stories, which came to be the writer’s most famous work.

How did Zitkala-Sa feel after her hair was cut?

Answer: Zitkala-Sa felt rather anguished and indignant when her long hair was cut. She lost her spirit and felt as helpless as a puppet. She got the feeling of being an animal driven by a herder and desperately looked for some comfort.

What does Zitkala-Sa say made the 4 girls very uncomfortable during the train ride to the boarding school in Indiana?

In this section she emphasized her discomfort and disapproval of the clothes, shoes, and hair lengths that are being worn by other Native American girls, “these were Indian girls, in stiff shoes and closely clinging dresses.

Which best describes Zitkala-Sa’s point of view toward the adults at the school?

Zitkala-Sa’s point of view was that school was an annoying clatter of sounds. They imply that the adults at the school chewed off her braids.

Why was Zitkala-Sa against her cutting of her hair?

Zitkala-Sa was terrified. Their mothers had taught them that only unskilled warriors who were captured had their hair shingled by the enemy. In their culture short hair was worn by mourners and shingled hair by cowards. That’s why she resisted the cutting of her hair.