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What is the main conflict in Othello?

What is the main conflict in Othello?

Major conflictOthello and Desdemona marry and attempt to build a life together, despite their differences in age, race, and experience. Their marriage is sabotaged by the envious Iago, who convinces Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful.

What is the major theme of Othello?

Shakespeare’s classic play Othello is about a man who falsely accuses his wife of cheating on him, and believes this lie so strongly that he eventually takes her life. Some of the major themes in this play include racial prejudice, manipulation, and jealousy.

What are 3 conflicts in Othello?

The main conflicts in ‘Othello’ are between friends and foes. Othello’s inner conflict, cultural and racial differences which lead to racial judgement and discrimination, to express these conflicts; Shakespeare uses many techniques such as soliloquies, dramatic irony, imagery foreshadowing and symbolism.

What are the 5 themes of Othello?


  • The Incompatibility of Military Heroism & Love. Before and above all else, Othello is a soldier.
  • The Danger of Isolation. The action of Othello moves from the metropolis of Venice to the island of Cyprus.
  • Jealousy.
  • Deception and Treachery.
  • Justice.

What causes conflicts in the play Othello?

The conflict arises from the insecurities that Othello faces, he so easily doubts the love of Desdemona as he could never truly grasp why she loved him. These insecurities as well as the self-ignorance lead Othello to his personal conflict.

How does Othello explore conflict?

The conflict we witness is in Othello’s mind. Othello becomes divided against himself, conflicted about whether he loves or hates Desdemona. His conflict causes him great suffering and anguish, which intensifies as the play moves towards the tragic outcome.

What is the moral message of Othello?

“Othello” is a cautionary tale. It prompts us to check our reflexive feelings and to be fairer and more generous toward those whom we might dismiss or pigeonhole. It also encourages us to be more forgiving of others’ trespasses.

What is Shakespeare’s purpose in Othello?

Shakespeare uses his play ”Othello” as an allegory for social commentary on Elizabethan England, including the roles of women and marriage in society. Explore how these themes are portrayed by the characters Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca.

Is love a theme in Othello?

In Othello, the major themes reflect the values and the motivations of characters. In Othello, love is a force that overcomes large obstacles and is tripped up by small ones. It is eternal, yet derail-able. It provides Othello with intensity but not direction and gives Desdemona access to his heart but not his mind.

What themes does Iago represent?

Iago refers to jealousy as the “green-eyed monster.” As this metaphor suggests, jealousy is closely associated with the theme of appearance and reality. For instance, at one point Othello demands that Iago provide “ocular proof” of Desdemona’s infidelity—he demands to see reality.

What are examples of internal conflict in Othello?

Othello has internal conflicts in regards to the accusations of Desdemona, his wife, sleeping with his lieutenant Cassio, which is caused by the finding of the handkerchief. The handkerchief is symbolic of Othello and Desdemona’s love and marital fidelity.

What central conflict is introduced in Act I of Othello what incident introduces this conflict?

Exposition and Inciting Incident (Act I) The inciting incident is the elopement of Othello and Desdemona, that actually occurs before the scene I events. This case sets off all the following disputes. Actually, in act I, we meet Iago and hear about his friendship with Roderigo and his feelings against Othello.

The main conflicts in ‘Othello’ are between friends and foes. Othello’s inner conflict, cultural and racial differences which lead to racial judgement and discrimination, to express these conflicts; Shakespeare uses many techniques such as soliloquies, dramatic irony, imagery foreshadowing and symbolism.

What is the main theme of Othello?

The text is a rich tapestry of plot, character, poetry, and theme – elements which come together to form one of the Bard’s most engaging tragedies. Shakespeare’s Othello is a Moor, a Black man – indeed, one of the first Black heroes in English literature. The play deals with interracial marriage.

How is Othello’s race an issue in the play?

Othello’s race is an issue for Iago and Brabanzio but, as an audience, we are rooting for Othello, Shakespeare’s celebration of Othello as a Black man is ahead of its time, the play encourages the audience to side with him and take against the white man who is mocking him just because of his race.

Where does the action of Othello take place?

The action of Othello moves from the metropolis of Venice to the island of Cyprus. Protected by military fortifications as well as by the forces of nature, Cyprus faces little threat from external forces.