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What is the long version of the Serenity Prayer?

What is the long version of the Serenity Prayer?

Extended Version of the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference.

Is the Serenity Prayer in the AA Big Book?

It came to me that this is the spiritual axiom and the serenity prayer in the AA big book. I have written and talked about the spiritual axiom. It is in step 10 in the 12 and 12. The serenity prayer is said at almost every AA meeting.

What does God grant me the serenity mean?

What is the meaning of the Serenity Prayer? The Serenity Prayer means letting go of situations beyond your control and taking action toward things within your control. It also means being able to know when things are within your control and when things are beyond your control.

Did St Francis of Assisi write the Serenity Prayer?

Francis of Assisi. It was actually written by Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City, in about 1932 as the ending to a longer prayer.

Who really wrote the Serenity Prayer?

Reinhold NiebuhrSerenity Prayer / Author

When did Reinhold Niebuhr write the Serenity Prayer?

Francis or Aristotle, and he didn’t write his famous verses in some ancient tongue. He was a German-American theologian and Christian ethicist named Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), and he penned the original words of what became the serenity prayer in 1932. Then he promptly forgot them.

Who wrote the original Serenity Prayer?

Who is widely considered to be the author of the Serenity Prayer?

For more than 70 years, the composer of the prayer was thought to be the Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, one of modern Christianity’s towering figures.

Did Reinhold Niebuhr write the Serenity Prayer?

The history of the Serenity Prayer dates back to a 1932 diary entry by German-American theologist, Reinhold Niebuhr. Finding this entry closed a 5-year long debate regarding the origin of the prayer. Previously, Niebuhr’s daughter had written that he had first used the prayer in a 1941 speech against Nazi Germany.

Is the AA prayer in the Bible?

Within Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the original 12-step recovery program, the serenity prayer is nothing short of scripture.

What is Reinhold Niebuhr famous for?

As a theologian, Niebuhr is best known for his “Christian Realism,” which emphasized the persistent roots of evil in human life. In his Moral Man and Immoral Society (1932) he stressed the egoism and the pride and hypocrisy of nations and classes.