What is the IZOF theory in sport?
According to the individual zones of optimal functioning (IZOF) model, an athlete’s performance is successful when his or her pre-competition anxiety is within or near the individually optimal zone. When anxiety falls outside the optimal zone, performance deteriorates.
Who developed the IZOF theory?
psychologist Juri Hanin
Initially developed by the psychologist Juri Hanin in the 1970s, the number of published studies using the model has since significantly grown and diversified.
What does Hanin’s model of individual zone of optimal functioning suggest?
The most popular account for the relationship between arousal and performance is the model of Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (Hanin, 1997, 2000). IZOF proposes that there are individual differences in the way people react to anxiety.
Why is arousal control important in sport?
Why Is Balancing Your Arousal Level Important? If your arousal level is too high your muscles will tense up, your coordination decline and you can easily slip into anxiety. Too low and you won’t have the concentration you need and your lack of drive will lead to underperforming.
How does inverted U theory affect sports performance?
The ‘inverted U’ theory proposes that sporting performance improves as arousal levels increase but that there is a threshold point. Any increase in arousal beyond the threshold point will worsen performance. At low arousal levels, performance quality is low.
What is multidimensional anxiety theory?
Theory that predicts that an increase in cognitive state anxiety (worry) has a negative effect on performance. The theory is based on the premise that state anxiety is multidimensional with its two components (cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety) influencing performance differently.
How does catastrophe theory affect sports performance?
Catastrophe Theory If the athlete is experiencing high levels of cognitive state anxiety as arousal rises towards the athletes threshold, the athlete experiences a dramatic drop in performance. This theory does also rely on the need for both arousal and cognitive anxiety to achieve optimal performance.
Which of the following is are not true regarding Hanin’s individualized zone of optimal functioning IZOF )?
All of the following are true regarding Hanin’s Individualized Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF), except for: determined from a comparison of emotional states during successful and less successful performances.
What is the zone of optimal functioning A level PE?
What is the zone of optimal functioning? When the performer is at their best due to optimum arousal and anxiety levels.
What are arousal control techniques?
Arousal inducing techniques:
- Increase breathing rate.
- Act energized.
- Use mood words and positive statements.
- Listen to music.
- Use energizing imagery.
- Complete a pre-competitive workout.
What is arousal in psychology?
Definition. Affect arousal is the state of being activated, either physiologically or psychologically, and is one dimension of our affective response to emotional stimuli. Psychological characteristics of arousal include feelings of vigor, energy, and tension.
What is an example of the inverted U theory?
Arousal is the level of activation and alertness experienced by a performer. For example, a judo player may feel highly aroused the moments before a bout and much less aroused an hour after the contest has ended.